Class 2 Home Learning Friday 05.03.21

Good morning Class 2

We will be having a Teams meeting at 10 o’clock for the whole class. Please have a piece of paper and a pen ready for our meeting.

Please send me your work via Dojo or email..

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.



To start, you can spend 20 minutes on TT rockstars.

Year 3

Spr3.8.2 – Add lengths from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check you answers on the answer sheet.

Year 4

Spr4.8.4 – Calculate quantities from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can check your answers on the answer sheet.

Year 5

Spr5.8.4 – Multiply non-unit fractions by an integer from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers on the answer sheet.


English – Continuing with World Book Day activities

Choose an audio book from the young fiction section. Here is the link.

Audio book activity



I would like you to read the next chapter of your book on Fiction Express. If you have decided to create a free account and chosen a book from the Oxford Owl website, I would also like you to read the next chapter of your book.



This week we will be looking at the next stage of the Stone Age. The middle section of the stone age is called the Mesolithic era.

You can watch this video which explains how hard life was for the Hunter-Gatherers.

Next, you can watch video. It will explain your activity for today.


Year 3 Mesolithic instructions task

Year 4 and 5 Mesolithic instructions task



Your choices for PE today


Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 04.03.21

Good morning Class 2

It’s World Book Day!

To celebrate we will having asking everyone to join in with our pyjama day. So put on your comfiest PJs and enjoy World Book Day.

There will be a Teams meeting at 9:30 for Year 3 and 4 to complete your spelling test. Year 4 will stay in the meeting to look at their guided reading. Year 3 will have a Teams meeting with Mrs Blank at 11:00 to finish your book and find out what happens to the Twits.



Bronze Maths starter 04.03

Silver Maths starter 04.03

Gold Maths starter 04.03


Year 3

Spr3.8.1 – Compare lengths from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers on the answer sheet.

Year 4

Spr4.8.3 – Calculate fractions of a quantity from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers on the answer sheet.

Year 5

Spr5.8.3 – Multiply unit fractions by an integer from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers on the answer sheet.


World Book Day activities

Firstly, I would like you to have a go at this emoji book quiz. The emojis represent different books and you have multiple answers underneath to chose from. Do your best. Emoji book quiz

Next, you can look at this Book Bingo card. You need to look at each box and find a book that you have read that matches the description. For example, the box might read “Have you read a book about a school play?” You could answer with our Class book ‘Rock Bottom’. How many boxes can you fill?

Finally, can you present you favourite book in a creative way. I would like to know about your favourite book (or a book you really love).

You need to tell me what the book is called, who the author is and who illustrated the book. Is it a non-fiction or fiction book? Who are the main characters? You also need to tell me what the story is all about, you can make it sound exciting and interesting. Can you say why you like this book so much? Finally, why should other people read it?

To present your favourite book, you may like to; create a Powerpoint presentation, make a video about the book or design a poster. How ever you decide to present your book, it needs to be bright, bold, full of information, and should make me want to read the book your talking about.


Extra World Book Day activities:

World Book Day word search

World book day crossword


Screen free activities

This afternoon all your screen free activities are based around World Book Day.

You could:

  • Create your own word search or cross word themed around 1 book or several books
  • Re-design your favourite book’s front cover
  • Recreate a scene from Rock Bottom in a shoe box. You could create the stage or the tree where Nick saw Robyn or even the first scene on the bus.
  • Find or create an interesting reading spot. Some of you have already made dens or even turned the bath into a comfy reading spot.
  • Ask your family or friends what their favourite books are. You can read a chapter of their favourite book and see what you think.
  • Find your favourite book and see how many pages it has. Can you then do the same number of exercises? For example, if your favourite book has 150 pages, can you jog on the spot for 150 seconds? Or try and completed 150 star jumps (these don’t have to done all at once, try doing 10 or 20 and then have a break).

Home Learning Tuesday 02.03.21

Good morning Class 2,

Our Teams meeting today will be at 10.00. We will then have a look at the English activity together. Enjoy today’s learning!


Can you try the following warm up. How many different solutions can you find?

Year 3



Year 4

Year 4 -answers Fractions-of-a-set-of-objects-1

Year 4 Worksheet-Fractions-of-a-set-of-objects-1

Year 5




Today in English there are two tasks to complete.

1 – Grammar task – In our weekly spellings before half term, you have been learning to spell different homophones. Please click here to watch a video to remind yourself what homophones are. There is then a homophones game to play here online or a paper copy for you to match.

Look in the assignment area of Teams where there is a quiz that I would like you to complete.

Task 2: At 10.00 we will have a Teams meeting. We will read the next chapter of our class book. You will then have an emotions graph to fill in which we will start to complete together in the session.

Nick emotion graph


On Fiction Express I would like you to read the next chapter of your book. Or you can use the Oxford Owl website.


Today we will continue our work on pets. Remind yourself about how to say the names of different pets by watching the video below.


Have a look at the BBC website which explains how to say what types of pet you have. Click on the sound buttons to hear the words spoken in French e.g. J’ai une tortue. Can you tell someone at home what type of pet you have?

Now can you complete the following activity sheet.



Today we are going to work on outlines, edges and shading. Please use the next video to help you to think about the way that you hold a pencil and the marks that you are making. It will show you how to draw an object to make it look 3D. Please draw a can or an object of your choosing that you have in your house and send me your work.

Class 2 Home Learning Friday 26.02.21

Good morning Class 2

We will be having a whole class Teams meeting at 10 o clock to discuss your English. I will be reading Chapter 4 of Rock Bottom. This will help you complete the English task.

Please send me your work via class Dojo or email.

I look forward to seeing you all at 10:00 this morning.



To start, I have set you a 2Do on purple mash. Please log in and complete this activity.

Year 3

Spr3.7.2 – Measure length (m) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers in the answer sheet.


Year 4

Spr4.7.4 – Subtract 2 fractions from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers in the answer sheet.


Year 5 

Spr5.7.4 – Subtract fractions from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers in the answer sheet.



Today, you will be continuing to look at a character from our class book ‘Rock Bottom’.

You can complete a character profile on the character you worked on yesterday. You need to use the words and phrases you collected to create you character profile.

Character profile – Year 3

Character profile – Year 4

Character profile – Year 5



I would like you to read the next chapter of your book on Fiction Express. If you have decided to create a free account and chosen a book from the Oxford Owl website, I would also like you to read the next chapter of your book.



This half term we will be looking at PowerPoint presentation skills. Our goal at the end of this term is for each of you to be able to present a hobby or interest using Microsoft PowerPoint.

As mentioned, you will be telling us about something you find interesting. This could be a hobby, your favourite animal, a sport, a country you have visited or something else.

I have created an example of a Powerpoint presentation for you to watch. Once you have watched the video you need to plan your own presentation of the sheet attached underneath. My planning sheet is also attached, if you would like to have a look at it.

PowerPoint planning sheet Rabbit example

PowerPoint planning sheet



We will be starting a new topic looking at Pre-Historic Britain. We will specifically be looking at Stone age Britain and how these people survived. Today, we will be focusing on early man, the Palaeolithic people.


Here is a link to the second video.

Palaeolithic activity 1

Palaeolithic activity 2

Home Learning Wednesday 10.02.21

Good morning class 2,

It was great to see so many of you on the Teams meetings yesterday! Today there will be no Teams meeting but if you have any trouble with today’s work then please just message me as usual. Have a great day!


For your warm up can you please try these addition pyramids.

Gold Number pyramids


Bronze Number Pyramids 

Year 3


Year 3 -Answers-Interpret-pictograms-2-5-and-10-

Year 3-Worksheet-Interpret-pictograms-2-5-and-

Year 4

Year 4-Answers-Equivalent-fractions-1-

Year 4 worksheet-Equivalent-fractions-1-

Year 5


Year 5 Worksheets-Add-and-subtract-fractions


Year 3/4

BBC- What is a pronoun?


pdf spider-monkey-pronouns-worksheet-converted

Year 5

Lion Video clip -parenthesis

BBC – What is parenthesis?



On Fiction Express I would like you to read the next chapter of your book. Or you can use the Oxford Owl website.


Can you please complete this end of unit quiz? Please can you send me a photograph of the quiz once you have completed it?

quiz- Rocks And Soils quiz- Rocks And Soils

If you finish this and would like an extra challenge (either today or over the half term holidays) why not try to make the rock cycle using chocolate?



Can you try to get outside for the mile at home? Try to walk or run for at least 15 minutes – perhaps you could try the trainspotting challenge. How many modes of transport can you see?


Safer Internet Day

As the videos seemed to fail yesterday during our Teams meeting about safer internet day, I have included a link below of an assembly all about this year’s theme.




Home Learning Tuesday 09.02.21

Good morning class 2,

Today is safer internet day, which is all about making the internet a better and safer place for everyone who uses it. Your English and computing activity today are both related to safer internet day. To have a look at this year’s theme and the tasks that you will complete we will have a Teams meeting today at 9.30.  There will also be another Teams meeting this afternoon at 1.30 in order for you to talk about and evaluate the pizzas that you made.

If you want to know more about safer internet day, there are plenty of resources and materials made for parents and families. You can have a look at these here.

Mental Maths: Times table rockstars – between 9.00 and 9.15, I will be looking at the arena section of TT rockstars. If you are able to, can you log in at this time and play against your classmates? If not, can you challenge someone to a game in the rockslam area?


On Fiction Express I would like you to read the next chapter of your book. Or you can use the Oxford Owl website.


Today is safer internet day. We will be looking at it in more detail this afternoon in computing but to start off I thought you could have a go at a comprehension all about it. Please choose form the different levels below.

gold safer internet day comprehension

silver safer internet day comprehension

Pdf silver safer internet day

Bronze Safer Internet Day Comprehension

Pdf Bronze Safer Internet Day Comprehension


Today is Safer Internet Day. We will discuss the activity in our Teams meeting today.

Then can you complete the task below.

Task – Ages 7-11 What is the motive?

Can you then complete the following activity on purple mash linked to this theme.

2do- ‘Email Authenticity Poster’.


Year 3

Year 3-Answers-Draw-pictograms-2-5-and-10

Year 3 Worksheet-Draw-pictograms-2-5-and-10

Year 4

Year 4 Answers-Count-in-tenths-

Year 4 Worksheet-Count-in-tenths-

Year 5

These sheets are a slightly different format. Please complete the second and third sheet (the red star and blue star in the bottom left hand corner). The answers to these questions are at the end of the sheet.




Today we will have a Teams meeting to talk about the pizzas that you made last week. If you have a photograph of your pizza, could you either have it on your screen to show, or if you email it to me I can show it for you. We will then talk through the following questions which you can answer into your book.

What would you say are the strengths of your pizza?

Does your pizza meet your original criteria? How?

Did you change anything during the making process? What?

Were they hard to make? Why/ why not?

Are you pleased with your finished product? Why?

How could you make it better?



Home Learning Tuesday 02.01.21

Good morning class 2,

There will be a teams meeting today for everyone at 9.30. I will have a look at the English with you and we can try and write the first few lines together. Please find today’s work below.


I have set a 2do on purple mash called funky platform. Choose your challenge level –

Bronze: Challenge A

Silver: Challenge B

Gold: Challenge C

Year 3

Tue Y3-Answers-Add-money

Tue Y3-Worksheet-Add-money


Year 4

Tue Y4-Answers-Comparing-area

Tue Y4-Worksheet-Comparing-area


Year 5

Tue Y5-Answers-Mixed-numbers-to-improper-fractions

Tue Y5-Worksheet-Mixed-numbers-to-improper-fractions


We will be talking through today’s English lesson on our Teams meeting at 9.30.

Look at the picture below. Then talk through the questions that follow it.

I would like you to write a story about what is happening in the picture. Below you will find an opening to the story. You can either write your own story or you can continue writing with this story. As we were looking at fronted adverbials yesterday, I would like you to see if you can use some in your writing. Look at the word mat below to help you.

Bronze – Try to use three fronted adverbials. Please underline them in your story.

Silver – Can you use three fronted adverbials, but I would also like you to expand three nouns. Think of your learning form last week.

Gold – Can you complete the same task as silver,  but I would like you to write at least four fronted adverbials. Try to select one of each type of fronted adverbial. Please look at the word mat to help you.


The work that we did together during the Teams session together:


On Fiction Express I would like you to read the next chapter of your book. Or you can use the Oxford Owl website.


Can you please complete the lesson form Oak academy on sedimentary rocks. The task is part of the video. You may need to pause the video at different points to complete the task on screen.

Sedimentary Rocks


Today is the day that you will be making your pizza. Please take lots of photographs to send to me. You will also talk about your pizza, show a picture of it and complete an evaluation next week. These are the questions that I will ask you next week, so you may want to take some notes this week as you eat your pizza.

What would you say are the strengths of your pizza?

Does your pizza meet your original criteria? How?

Did you change anything during the making process? What?

Were they hard to make?  Why/ why not?

Are you pleased with your finished product? Why?

How could you make it better?