Class 3 home learning 29.1.21
Good morning Class 3! You have made it to Friday! Congratulations! You’ve got your spelling at 10:30 so I would recommend getting one last practice in before hand!
As normal, please start by warming up on TT rockstars, have a go on garage mode, studio and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!
Then try out daily multiplication tables challenge 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet
Here is today’s worksheet: First quadrant
Check your answers using the answer sheet
Today’s reading comprehension is on the great William Shakespeare, please remember to take your time, all of the information you need to answer the questions is in the text!
When you have completed your comprehension, check your answers, with a grown up if possible, using the answer sheet.
When you have done your comprehension, log on to purple mash and complete the Samantha’s day 2do!
Please also write ten sentences using your spelling words and send them to me by the end of the day!
Complete the next assignment on duolingo all about families! You’ll be fluent by the time we get back to school!
Option 1: Football sports conditioning session
Option 2: Yoga freeze dance game
Option 3: PE with Joe
If you’re feeling extra energetic, feel free to do all of them!
Email me if you have any problems! Have a great weekend!
Class 3 home learning 11.1.21
Good morning Class 3! It’s a new week of home learning! I’m sure you’re all super awake and can’t wait to get started!
I’ve made a timetable for you so you can see which lessons you will be doing each day!
I’ve noticed that some of you are completing the work VERY quickly, this timetable might help you to see the amount of time I am expecting to be put in to each lesson.
Here is your worksheet: Compare and Order Fractions
Check and mark your answers following the answer sheet
Today we will learning how to use commas to clarify meaning. Click here to go the natural curriculum website. Work through the challenges in your home learning books including the whiteboard challenges on tab 3. Then complete the Headlight beetle worksheet. Do not complete the writing challenges on tab 4 as they are tomorrow’s work!
Click here for today’s lesson! Following on from last week’s science lesson, today you will be learning about all of the major bones in your body! Be sure to complete the quiz that follows and let me know what you scored!
It’s PE with Joe day! Find his live lesson from this morning and get a sweat on!
Don’t forget to send me your work, it’s all looking brilliant so far! Have a great day and email me if you have any questions!
Class 3 home learning 6.1.21
Good morning class 3! Welcome to day 1 of home learning! Before you start, I would like everyone to send me an email via your outlook accounts. If you haven’t responded to the teams meeting invitation please do so!
To begin with I have attached everyone’s favourite multiplication tables challenge, if you can print it off; great, if not don’t worry, just have a go on a piece of paper! Don’t forget to set a timer for 5 minutes!
Can you also challenge a friend on times table rockstars?
Once you’ve done that, I would like you to watch this video on how to simplify fractions:
Once you’ve watched the video, have a go at this worksheet: Simplify fractions
When and ONLY when you’ve finished, check your work using the answer sheet: Answers
Tomorrow you will be writing a recount of what you got up to over Christmas! For today’s lesson I would like you to plan and remind yourself using the mind map sheet. Please focus on interesting adjectives and plan which cohesive devices you would like to include.
Reading: Please read a chapter on fiction express and complete the following quiz!
In science we are going to be studying the human body, today’s first lesson is looking at the human organs and understand why we need them. Click here to go to the lesson.
Luckily for you, Joe Wicks is doing PE lessons again! Thanks Joe! His lessons are released every Monday, Wednesday and Friday just click here to go to Joe’s youtube page.
Once you’ve completed these lessons you can practise your weekly spellings and log on to purple mash and complete your weekly 2do’s. Spellings will be tested every Friday in a live teams meeting!
Please send photographs of you work to me directly either via email or class dojo, alternatively you can upload your work to your ‘portfolio’ on classdojo if you prefer. It is important that we stay motivated and try our best even when working from home!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! See you on teams at 11:30am!
Miss France
Class One Spellings WB: 9.11.20
Year 2 focus: Common Exception words.
climb parents most only both
Year 1: Spelling focus ew
crew grew new drew few
Group 3: Spelling focus ll
bell full toll fill bull