Home Learning Tasks Monday April 20th

Good morning Class 2!

I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break? I’m sure that some of you managed to complete some of the Easter challenges that I set you? Well I hope you enjoyed them. I have mostly been spending time in my garden as the weather has been so lovely. I have also been enjoying some baking and crafts with my children. I hope you have done some lovely things too. Hopefully in English you will have the chance to tell me about them. Here are the tasks for today:


Could you complete the multiplication/divisors task on your 2dos in purple mash as a warm up.

We will now be completing some of our maths from the White Rose scheme of home learning. This is the same scheme that we use in school and has a useful video to help to explain/revise concepts before you complete a task. Please find the links to the White Rose materials below.

Year 3   – Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 1 – Equivalent Fractions

Year 4 -Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 1 – Make a whole

Year 5 -Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 1 – Adding Decimals within 1

There is a link on the page to the activities but I have linked them below for you.




You can also find the answers to these tasks on the page linked above.

Let me know if you have any problems using these materials.


Can you write a letter about your experiences over the past four weeks including the Easter holidays? This letter can be written either to me or to a relative that you are unable to see at the moment.
Try to include:
An introduction – Why are your writing this letter? How are you feeling? Can you explain your situation?
A description of 2 -3 things that you have done at home. This could be learning based or it could be something that you have enjoyed with your family.
What is the best part about being on lockdown? – Why?
What is the worst part? – Why?
Conclusion/Summary (Something you are looking forward to, final thoughts or anything you have learnt?)
Perhaps you could then post this letter if it is to a relative, or if you have written to me, you could photograph it and post it on class dojo? I look forward to hearing what some of you have done.

Can you now ask an adult to test you on your spellings? You can find this weeks spellings under the spellings tab.


This week we will continue the Titanic work sent home in your home learning packs. Could you please look at the Titanic timeline PowerPoint below and then complete the Titanic timeline activity by cutting out the events and sticking them into your books in chronological order.

Titanic Timeline

Titanic – key events

Something Else?

Look at the animations on the BBC bitesize about how the Titanic was built. Find the link below.

How was Titanic built?

Also, remember to continue to read the books that were sent home in your home learning packs.

Have a lovely day.


Tuesday 31/03/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

Hello everyone!

So… the weather has gone a little bit cooler so here are some activities that can be done inside or outside.

Physical activity continues to be important and it is really good to mix it up. Today try some ‘Brain Breaks’ on YouTube. ‘Shake Your Sillies’ is one of my favourites!

You may well have seen that people are making rainbows to put in their windows. I think it would be a lovely idea if we all joined in and made our own rainbows (if you haven’t yet). Use anything you have – paint, crayons, craft / collage materials. I will make one too. How big will yours be? Put any photos on Class Dojo please.

I also have a bit of a problem. Whilst gardening I found an egg in my vegetable patch! My problem is that I don’t know where the egg came from and what will be inside it. Included in this post is a photo of the egg (the photo is a bit dark, sorry). Can you guess what is inside the egg? In your purple sketch book please draw a picture of what you think the egg will look like tomorrow and I will post another photo.

I would also like it if you were to spend time singing Nursery Rhymes today. It would be great to see any videos of you singing your favourite Nursery Rhymes on Class Dojo.

Keep safe, Leanne.


Home Learning Tasks Tuesday 24th March.

Good morning class 2, I hope you all managed to complete your learning tasks yesterday and still found time to enjoy the lovely weather that we have been having? I hope you are all well and remember to contact me through class dojo if you have any questions or if you want to tell me about what you have been doing. Please find today’s learning tasks below.


Length Facts


Please read the first chapter of the book in your packs and answer the questions below.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Chapter One

esio trot chapter 1

Charlotte’s Web Chapter One


As the weather is so good at the moment, I thought it might be interesting to complete a garden survey. We will try to complete another survey in the future so that we can make a  comparison of what we have found.  Please look at page 2 of the booklet below. You can either print the table or draw a similar table into your lined books. Complete the survey for 30 minutes in your garden recording the date, the time of day and the weather conditions when you do so.


Something Extra?

Play on Times Table Rockstars.