Class 2 Home learning 09.12.21

Hello Class 2

You can find today’s task below. We have maths but we also have our WW2 activities for you to have a go at.


Year 3:

The worksheet can be found below the video.

Aut3.7.4 – Add two 3-digit numbers – not crossing 10 or 100 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Year 3 Worksheet


Year 4:

The worksheet can be found below the video.

Aut4.9.1 – Measure perimeter from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Year 4 worksheet 


World War 2 Day activities:

Make your own evacuee label – Evacuee labels Either print or make your own. Remember the date will be in the year 1939 or 1940, at the beginning of World War 2. Which city have you been evacuated from? Have you been evacuated to Cheswardine?

Can you write a secret message using Morse code? Morse code alphabet Each letter is made up of dots and dashes. / a slash brakes up different letters and // a double dash means new word. Can you translate this: -.– / — / ..- // .-. / — / -.-. / -.-

Air ried shelters:

Look at this Air reid shelter powerpoint. Can you then either print out this Anderson Shelter Model to make an air reid shelter or build your own out of cardboard, bricks, playdough or pillows and blankets?


In the afternoon, we will be creating skyline paintings of London during the Blitz. The bright red sky lit up the city on fire.