Class 2 Home Learning Friday 15.01.21

Good morning Class 2

Today, we will be having a Teams meeting at 10:00. I have put together the video below to talk you through our day. Underneath that, I have outlined your home learning and look forward to receiving your work via Dojo or e mail.

Also, the year 3/4 spellings, for next Thursday, are now available online.

I will see you all in our Teams meeting at 10 o clock. Happy Friday!



You can start by spending 15 minutes on Times Tables rockstars. Can you challenge a friend?

Year 3

Spr3.2.3 – Divide 2-digits by 1 digit (1) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can now check your answers with the answer sheet.

Year 4

Spr4.2.3 – Multiply 3-digits by 1-digit from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can check your answers with the answer sheet.

Year 5

Spr5.2.4 – Multiply up to a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video you can complete the worksheet.

You can check your answers with the answer sheet.



You can log in to Purple Mash and complete the 2do I have set you.



Today, I would like you to write about your week. In the document below I have outlined what I would like you to include.

My week – writing framework



I would like you to read the next chapter of your book on Fiction Express. If you have decided to create a free account and chosen a book from the Oxford Owl website, I would also like you to read the next chapter of your book.



Today, you will be following Joe Wick’s workout. You can find the link here. I will be doing Joe’s work out today, so you might like to ask your family if they would like to join you.



This week I have emailed everyone their new Duolingo username and password. This will take you to our Duolingo classroom where you will find an assignment waiting for you in the right hand column. If you follow this link, you can log in with your new username/password. The name of your assignment is Family. Can you spend 20 minutes working through this assignment.

If you have any trouble logging in, please let me know.