Class 2 Home Learning Friday 26.02.21

Good morning Class 2

We will be having a whole class Teams meeting at 10 o clock to discuss your English. I will be reading Chapter 4 of Rock Bottom. This will help you complete the English task.

Please send me your work via class Dojo or email.

I look forward to seeing you all at 10:00 this morning.



To start, I have set you a 2Do on purple mash. Please log in and complete this activity.

Year 3

Spr3.7.2 – Measure length (m) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers in the answer sheet.


Year 4

Spr4.7.4 – Subtract 2 fractions from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers in the answer sheet.


Year 5 

Spr5.7.4 – Subtract fractions from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers in the answer sheet.



Today, you will be continuing to look at a character from our class book ‘Rock Bottom’.

You can complete a character profile on the character you worked on yesterday. You need to use the words and phrases you collected to create you character profile.

Character profile – Year 3

Character profile – Year 4

Character profile – Year 5



I would like you to read the next chapter of your book on Fiction Express. If you have decided to create a free account and chosen a book from the Oxford Owl website, I would also like you to read the next chapter of your book.



This half term we will be looking at PowerPoint presentation skills. Our goal at the end of this term is for each of you to be able to present a hobby or interest using Microsoft PowerPoint.

As mentioned, you will be telling us about something you find interesting. This could be a hobby, your favourite animal, a sport, a country you have visited or something else.

I have created an example of a Powerpoint presentation for you to watch. Once you have watched the video you need to plan your own presentation of the sheet attached underneath. My planning sheet is also attached, if you would like to have a look at it.

PowerPoint planning sheet Rabbit example

PowerPoint planning sheet



We will be starting a new topic looking at Pre-Historic Britain. We will specifically be looking at Stone age Britain and how these people survived. Today, we will be focusing on early man, the Palaeolithic people.


Here is a link to the second video.

Palaeolithic activity 1

Palaeolithic activity 2