Home Learning 07.12.21

Here are today’s tasks.



Please find the videos and worksheets below.

Year 3

Aut3.6.4 – Subtract a 2-digit number from a 2-digit number – crossing 10 – subtract 1s and 10s from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Y3 Worksheet

Y3 Answers

Year 4

Aut4.8.4 – Add lengths from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Y4 Tuesday-Answers

Y4 Tuesday- Worksheet


We are going to be looking today at writing an introductory paragraph based on the Christmas Truce. Please watch this video to remind yourself what the features of newspaper are – particularly the 5ws.

Please look at the powerpoint below, and then watch the video clip from yesterday again. Can you pick out the 5ws?

Newspapers – 5Ws

You can now use this word mat to help you to write an opening paragraph for your newspaper report. You can use the last slide of the powerpoint to help you.



This afternoon, we will be painting our medals that we made as part of our school trip. As you are at home, try drawing a robin using the grid attached.

robin grid drawing

There is a video you can watch here, if you want to look at how the grid method works.



This term we are looking at creating music. I have set you a task on purple mash where you have to create your own musical composition.

Remember to also read and spend some time on Times Table Rockstars if you are able to.