Home Learning – 12.02.21

Good morning, it’s the last day of term so please join me at 12 for a Teams picnic party and fun session with everybody.


Reception – Mrs Whitehouse will be arranging a session with you on Teams so look out for your invitation.

Years One/Two – please do a spelling test with your grown-up of this week’s words and let me know your score over on Class Dojo.


Reception – lets continue counting in 2s today. Can you pair up the aliens? A group of two things the same is called a pair.



Years One/Two – we are continuing to count in 2s and 5s today, but lets look at using the x symbol for multiplication.  Watch Dave and Multiplication Boy show you how and then try my worksheets.


maths friday


Reception – Goldilocks would like to invite the Three Bears to a birthday party. Can you make the invitation for her to send?  It needs to have a title, their names on it, what food they will be eating and what games they will play – you can draw these and try to label them.

Years One/Two – Read my letter from Goldilocks and write her a reply. Remember to use full sentences and capital letters for names please.

Goldilocks letter


How and why do we celebrate Eid al-Fitr? Find out a little more about Eid by watching the videos below.


Whole Class – have a go at these activities




Year Two – have a go at this comprehension about Eid.

Celebrating Eid al-Fitr middle ability

Story Time

Let’s share a book together. This is one of my favourite stories.


I hope you have a lovely half-term and I’ll see you all soon.