Home Learning Tasks – 04/06/20

Good morning.  I’m hoping it’s not too rainy today and we can go and play outside at school today, it was a bit wet yesterday wasn’t it?

Today’s learning tasks are:


English: Write a letter to Mr Grinling asking what it is like to live in the lighthouse. Remember to use capital letter, leave finger spaces between words and use full stops at the end of your sentences.

Maths: I loved the jungle animals I saw yesterday. Can you have a go at this treasure map today?

maths R

Topic: Draw, paint or make a collage of the lighthouse in the story – don’t forget to include the sky, sea, beach and some sea gulls in your art work.

Year One

English: Write a letter to Mr Grinling asking what it is like to live in the lighthouse. Remember to use capital letter, leave finger spaces between words and use full stops at the end of your sentences. See if some of your sentences can include the word ‘and’. Can you try to ask at least one question?

Maths: Using only the ducks – can you complete the pattern? Remember you don’t need to print this off, you can copy it into your home learning book.


Topic: Draw, paint or make a collage of the lighthouse in the story – don’t forget to include the sky, sea, beach and some sea gulls in your art work.

Year Two

English: Write a letter to Mr Grinling asking what it is like to live in the lighthouse. Remember to use capital letter, leave finger spaces between words and use full stops at the end of your sentences. I would like you to use joining words in your sentences and to include different types of punctuation as well please.

Maths: Watch the video to learn about right angles. A right angle is also known as a quarter turn.

Now see if you can say whether these angles are less than a right angle, more than a right angle or are a right angle.


Topic: Draw, paint or make a collage of the lighthouse in the story – don’t forget to include the sky, sea, beach and some sea gulls in your art work.