Home Learning Tasks Tuesday 21st April

Hello Class 2,

I hope you enjoyed your first day of the summer term? Here are today’s activities.


Could you please spend 10-15 minutes on times table rock stars.

We will continue to work from the White Rose materials. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below.
Year 3 – Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 2  – Equivalent Fractions
Year 4 -Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 2 – Write Decimals
Year 5 -Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 2 – Subtracting Decimals within 1

The activities.

Lesson-2-Year 3 Equivalent Fractions

Lesson-2-Year 4 Write Decimals

Lesson-2-Year 5 Decimals within 1


Today we will complete a grammar focused task. Please watch the video clips from the BBC explain a bit more about the focus.

Year 3 – nouns and verbs

Year 3 BBC video clip nouns

Year 3 BBC video clip verbs

Year 4 and 5 -noun phrases

Year 4-5 BBC video clip


Look at Source a and b. These are images of the Titanic’s cabins in 1st and 3rd class.
• Compare the two types of accommodation shown here. Write three sentences to describe the differences.
• What does this tell you about differences between rich and poor at that time?
• Which of these cabins would you have preferred to stay in? Give your reasons why.



Can you research how the lives may have been different for first and third class passengers. In your home learning packs you should see the outline of a man and a woman. Can you draw what a first class and third class passenger may have worn?

Figure outline

Something else?

Watch the two videos below and try and draw like children’s book author and illustrator Rob Biddulph.