It is a legal requirement for schools to keep a record of children’s absences from school, and the reasons for them. We can only give authority for absence in certain circumstances. If you know that your child is going to be away from school, please inform the Headteacher, who will know whether it can be authorised. If your child is absent for any reason, we require a telephone call prior to 9.15 am on the first morning of his/her absence. After 9.15 am the school is obliged to inform the Education Welfare Officer of any unexplained absence.
In the case of holidays, the maximum of a fortnight from school may be granted, but this is only in the extreme case where a parent finds it impossible to take holidays outside the school year. A special form for this is available from school and all requests for permission to take your child out of school must be submitted in writing to the Headteacher. In order to avoid disruption to your child’s education, parents are encouraged not to take holidays during term time.
If your child becomes unwell during the school day, we will always try to contact you. It is essential that you keep us informed of an up-to-date daytime telephone number in case of an emergency.
Home/School Relationship
Staff are happy to discuss any concerns relating to your child and a mutually convenient appointment should be made to do this, so that teaching time is protected.
Please discuss with us anything which might help us to understand your child. It is useful for us to know;-
1. the child’s place in the family and the size of family;
2. the child’s medical history, periods in hospital (if any) etc;
3. if your child suffers from allergies;
4. if there are any family difficulties and tensions (e.g. one parent family, adoption, death in family etc), and any other information you think might be useful in helping in the pastoral care of your child.
There is a Home School agreement document, which parents are encouraged to sign. This document reminds us all that learning involves co-operation by pupil, school and parents.
Governors are happy to receive any comments you have which could aid home/school links. A fifteen minute surgery is held each term before a Governors` meeting.
Parental Involvement
We hope you will feel able to share your concerns with us and feel involved in your child’s education.
During the school year we like to involve parents in as many ways as possible. Some examples are given below:-
1. Parent/Teacher discussions.
2. Parents` Assemblies.
3. Money raising events for school funds.
4. Parental help during the school day. This is greatly appreciated. Many parents offer their help in various ways and work under the direction of the teachers, for example: – swimming, cookery, craftwork.
We hope that you will feel able to give your support.