Class 2 Homework 12.11.21

Hello Class 2


This week I would like you to label the Ukulele. Everyone has been given a sheet however, if you need another you can find it linked here.

Year 3 – This week you can take a break from TT rockstars and instead have a go at Hit the Button. All of year 3 have really enjoyed this game and it’s a great way to practise your maths. Please can you practise your number bonds to 20 – to get to this, press Play Game, Number Bonds and then Make 20. I will be checking your knowledge next week.

Year 4 – This week you can take a break from TT rockstars. Please use Hit the Button to practise your times tables. You all know which timetables you should be practising.

Read at home and note down your pages in your Reading Diary.

Have a wonderful week.

Miss Gray

Class 2 Homework 05.11.21

Hello Class 2

This week you have a comprehension to complete. It is all about the history of Bonfire night. Read the text and answer the questions. All the information you will need is in the text. Return this to school on or before Thursday.

If you need a copy of the comprehension it is here.

Bonfire Night text

Bonfire Night comprehension questions


Practise your times tables on TT rockstars. Log in and practise at least 3 times this week.

Please continue to read with an adult every night and record this in your school diary.


All of your logins are inside the front cover of your reading diary.

Have an amazing week.

Miss Gray

Class 2 Homework for half term

Hello everyone!


Over the holiday’s I have set you some timetables work and work on poetry.

Each of you have been given a pack of 5 timetables sheets from TTrockstars. These are to be completed over 5 days. Each day you will have 3 minutes to complete as many questions as you can. Please use a calculator or ask an adult to help you mark your timetables.

You can also continue using TTrockstars to practise. However, in class we have began to listen to Mr DeMaio, on YouTube, who has covered some popular songs with timetables. Here is a link to his YouTube channel where you can search the 2, 3, 4, 5 etc. timetable songs. Please explore and listen to timetable songs and see how many you can learn.

I would also like you to create an acrostic poem using the word Remember or Poppy. There is a video about acrostic poems on the last homework page if you would like to remind yourself. These poems don’t have to rhyme, however if you can that would be fantastic. Remember the poems are about the World War and Remembrance Day. Please add a small illustration that goes with your poem. There are some examples below.

Continue to read everyday over the half term.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday and stay safe.

Miss Gray

Class 2 Homework 15.10.21

Hello Class 2

These are to be completed by next Thursday (21.10.21)

This week I would like you to research acrostic poems. Here is a link to BBC Bitesize. You can watch the video about acrostic poems and how they are written. Then can you write your own acrostic poem using your name (Just your first name unless you would like to challenge yourselves!!).

For example:

My name is Miss Gray

I teach year 3 4

Sometimes I teach English

Sometimes I teach more


Great group of children

Right here in my class

Any test I throw at them

Yes they will pass

The poem can be all about you. Where you live, what you like, your friends. If you can add a rhyme into your poem I’d be really impressed but if you can’t don’t get stressed. Please can these be handed in by next Thursday as they will lead into your homework for half term.

Remember to practise your times tables on TT rockstars. Log in and practise at least 3 times this week.

Please continue to read with an adult every night and record this in your school diary.


All of your logins are inside the front cover of your reading diary.

Have a fantastic final week before half term!

Miss Gray

Class 2 Homework 08.10.21

Hello Class 2


Please complete these tasks by next Friday (15/10/21).


This week your homework tasks are on Purple Mash. Log in to Purple mash and complete your 2Dos. The homework is a recap of our learning this week.

Year 3, you have 2 2Dos to complete. They are called Using the suffix “s” or “es” and Adding suffixes to verbs. These tasks are to deepen your understanding of our work this week. You need to use your understanding of suffixes to complete these tasks. Suffixes are added to the end of a root word, for example -ful is added help to become helpful.

Year 4, you have 2 2Dos to complete as well. They are called Word Families and In the Woods. You need to use your understanding of prefixes and suffixes to work your way through these tasks. For example the prefix is -un, the root word is help and the suffix is -ful. Therefore the prefix + root + suffix word is ‘unhelpful’.


Remember to practise your times tables on TT rockstars. Log in and practise at least 3 times this week.

Please continue to read with an adult every night and record this in your school diary.


All of your logins are inside the front cover of your reading diary.

Have a lovely week!

Miss Gray

Class 2 Homework 01.10.21

Hi Class 2

Please complete these tasks by next Friday (08/10/21).


This week I would like you to complete a comprehension. You need to read through the passage of writing and answer the questions about War child. All of the answers are in the writing.

I have printed the comprehension for you and it is in your reading diary. However, if you need to print off another here are the sheets for year 3 and 4.

War Child Year 3 comprehension

War Child Year 4 comprehension


Continue to practise your times tables on TT rockstars. Log in and practise at least 2 times this week.

Please continue to read with an adult every night and record this in your school diary.


All of your logins are inside the front cover of your reading diary.

Have a great week!

Miss Gray

Class 2 Homework 24.09.21

Hello Class 2

I was so impressed by the homework that had been completed last week. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your garden descriptions. Excellent work.

Please complete these tasks by next Friday (01/10/21).


This week your homework task is on Purple Mash. Log in to Purple mash and complete your 2Dos. The homework is a recap of our learning this week.

All of Class 2, you have a 2Do called Alien time. You need to add in the missing time connectives. Times connectives add more details to our sentences. Examples include, when, first, later, then, next, eventually, in the mean time.

Year 4, you have another 2Do to complete as well. It is called ‘Consonant or Vowel?’. You need to sort the correct and incorrect phrases. If the word begins with a vowel, should it have ‘a’ or ‘an’ before it? If the word begins with a consonant, should it have ‘a’ or ‘an’ before it?


Every week we expect children to practise their times tables on TT rockstars. Log in and practise at least 3 times this week.

Please continue to read with an adult every night and record this in your school diary.


All of your logins are inside the front cover of your reading diary.

Have a great week!

Miss Gray

Class 2 Homework 17.09.21

Hello Class 2


This week, we have been looking at the secret garden Lenny discovers in our class book ‘The Lion and the Unicorn’. We have been looking at how you can use extra details to create a really good piece of descriptive writing.

Therefore, I would like you to draw and describe your own gardens at home. You need to include interesting adjectives to describe objects. You also need to use prepositions (under, on, inside, next to, amongst) to give your writing more detail.

Everyone has been given the template for this homework, however it is linked here if you would like to print it out.

I look forward to reading about your gardens!

Continue to practise your times tables on TT rockstars. Log in and practise at least 2 times this week.

Please continue to read with an adult every night and record this in your school diary.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Gray



Class 2 Homework 10.09.21

Hello Class 2,

Here is your first homework for the year!

Please complete these tasks by next Friday (17/09/21).


This week your homework task is on Purple Mash. Log in to Purple mash and complete your 2Dos. The homework is a recap of our learning this week.

All of Class 2, you have a 2Do called Toy shelf to complete.

Year 4, you have an extra 2Do called Past and Present, please complete both 2Dos.


Every week we expect children to practise their times tables on TT rockstars. Log in and practise at least 2 times this week.

Please continue to read with an adult every night and record this in your school diary.


All of your logins are inside the front cover of your reading diary.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy Fed Fest if you are going!

Miss Gray

Class 2 Homework 02.07.21

Hello Class 2

This week, I am asking you to complete a reading comprehension about Wimbledon.

This is to be handed in on Thursday (8th July).

Year 3 Homework

Year 4 Homework

Year 5 Homework

You also need to spend time practising your Times tables on TT rockstars. This week many of you were so close to moving up. It would be great to see everyone move up to their next multiplication tables before the end of term.

Finally, you also need read a book and complete the quiz on Fiction Express or read your own book from home.

Don’t forget to practise your spellings for Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Gray