Class 2 Homework 19/03/21

Hello Class 2,

Please complete your Homework by next Friday (26/03/21).

Practise your times tables on TT rockstars.

Log in to Purple mash and complete your 2Do called Describe the dark pictures. This is a recap of our learning this week, where we wrote setting descriptions about our ideal house. Use powerful language and the vocabulary provided.

E.g Under the dim light, the gloomy street looked murky and frightening. Or. Surrounded by cobwebs, the dull, damp room only had one source of light. A small murky window with ripped curtains allowed a glimpse of glorious sun light.

You also need to log in to Fiction Express and read a book of your choice. Remember to complete the quizzes after each chapter.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Gray

Class 2 Homework 12/03/21

Hello Class 2,

Here is your homework for this week.

Please complete these by next Friday (19/03/21).

Practise your times tables on TT rockstars.

Log in to Purple mash and complete your 2Dos. This is a recap of our learning this week.

You also need to log in to Fiction Express and read a book of your choice. Remember to complete the quizzes after each chapter.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Gray

Class 2 Home Learning Friday 05.03.21

Good morning Class 2

We will be having a Teams meeting at 10 o’clock for the whole class. Please have a piece of paper and a pen ready for our meeting.

Please send me your work via Dojo or email..

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.



To start, you can spend 20 minutes on TT rockstars.

Year 3

Spr3.8.2 – Add lengths from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check you answers on the answer sheet.

Year 4

Spr4.8.4 – Calculate quantities from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can check your answers on the answer sheet.

Year 5

Spr5.8.4 – Multiply non-unit fractions by an integer from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers on the answer sheet.


English – Continuing with World Book Day activities

Choose an audio book from the young fiction section. Here is the link.

Audio book activity



I would like you to read the next chapter of your book on Fiction Express. If you have decided to create a free account and chosen a book from the Oxford Owl website, I would also like you to read the next chapter of your book.



This week we will be looking at the next stage of the Stone Age. The middle section of the stone age is called the Mesolithic era.

You can watch this video which explains how hard life was for the Hunter-Gatherers.

Next, you can watch video. It will explain your activity for today.


Year 3 Mesolithic instructions task

Year 4 and 5 Mesolithic instructions task



Your choices for PE today


Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 04.03.21

Good morning Class 2

It’s World Book Day!

To celebrate we will having asking everyone to join in with our pyjama day. So put on your comfiest PJs and enjoy World Book Day.

There will be a Teams meeting at 9:30 for Year 3 and 4 to complete your spelling test. Year 4 will stay in the meeting to look at their guided reading. Year 3 will have a Teams meeting with Mrs Blank at 11:00 to finish your book and find out what happens to the Twits.



Bronze Maths starter 04.03

Silver Maths starter 04.03

Gold Maths starter 04.03


Year 3

Spr3.8.1 – Compare lengths from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers on the answer sheet.

Year 4

Spr4.8.3 – Calculate fractions of a quantity from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers on the answer sheet.

Year 5

Spr5.8.3 – Multiply unit fractions by an integer from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers on the answer sheet.


World Book Day activities

Firstly, I would like you to have a go at this emoji book quiz. The emojis represent different books and you have multiple answers underneath to chose from. Do your best. Emoji book quiz

Next, you can look at this Book Bingo card. You need to look at each box and find a book that you have read that matches the description. For example, the box might read “Have you read a book about a school play?” You could answer with our Class book ‘Rock Bottom’. How many boxes can you fill?

Finally, can you present you favourite book in a creative way. I would like to know about your favourite book (or a book you really love).

You need to tell me what the book is called, who the author is and who illustrated the book. Is it a non-fiction or fiction book? Who are the main characters? You also need to tell me what the story is all about, you can make it sound exciting and interesting. Can you say why you like this book so much? Finally, why should other people read it?

To present your favourite book, you may like to; create a Powerpoint presentation, make a video about the book or design a poster. How ever you decide to present your book, it needs to be bright, bold, full of information, and should make me want to read the book your talking about.


Extra World Book Day activities:

World Book Day word search

World book day crossword


Screen free activities

This afternoon all your screen free activities are based around World Book Day.

You could:

  • Create your own word search or cross word themed around 1 book or several books
  • Re-design your favourite book’s front cover
  • Recreate a scene from Rock Bottom in a shoe box. You could create the stage or the tree where Nick saw Robyn or even the first scene on the bus.
  • Find or create an interesting reading spot. Some of you have already made dens or even turned the bath into a comfy reading spot.
  • Ask your family or friends what their favourite books are. You can read a chapter of their favourite book and see what you think.
  • Find your favourite book and see how many pages it has. Can you then do the same number of exercises? For example, if your favourite book has 150 pages, can you jog on the spot for 150 seconds? Or try and completed 150 star jumps (these don’t have to done all at once, try doing 10 or 20 and then have a break).

Class 2 Home Learning Friday 26.02.21

Good morning Class 2

We will be having a whole class Teams meeting at 10 o clock to discuss your English. I will be reading Chapter 4 of Rock Bottom. This will help you complete the English task.

Please send me your work via class Dojo or email.

I look forward to seeing you all at 10:00 this morning.



To start, I have set you a 2Do on purple mash. Please log in and complete this activity.

Year 3

Spr3.7.2 – Measure length (m) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers in the answer sheet.


Year 4

Spr4.7.4 – Subtract 2 fractions from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers in the answer sheet.


Year 5 

Spr5.7.4 – Subtract fractions from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers in the answer sheet.



Today, you will be continuing to look at a character from our class book ‘Rock Bottom’.

You can complete a character profile on the character you worked on yesterday. You need to use the words and phrases you collected to create you character profile.

Character profile – Year 3

Character profile – Year 4

Character profile – Year 5



I would like you to read the next chapter of your book on Fiction Express. If you have decided to create a free account and chosen a book from the Oxford Owl website, I would also like you to read the next chapter of your book.



This half term we will be looking at PowerPoint presentation skills. Our goal at the end of this term is for each of you to be able to present a hobby or interest using Microsoft PowerPoint.

As mentioned, you will be telling us about something you find interesting. This could be a hobby, your favourite animal, a sport, a country you have visited or something else.

I have created an example of a Powerpoint presentation for you to watch. Once you have watched the video you need to plan your own presentation of the sheet attached underneath. My planning sheet is also attached, if you would like to have a look at it.

PowerPoint planning sheet Rabbit example

PowerPoint planning sheet



We will be starting a new topic looking at Pre-Historic Britain. We will specifically be looking at Stone age Britain and how these people survived. Today, we will be focusing on early man, the Palaeolithic people.


Here is a link to the second video.

Palaeolithic activity 1

Palaeolithic activity 2

Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 25.02.21

Good morning Class 2

I hope you had a lovely half term. At 9:30, we will having a Teams meeting for Year 3 and 4 to complete your spelling test. Year 4 will stay in the meeting to look at your guided reading. Year 3 you will have a guided reading session with Mrs Blank at 11 o clock. You can get in contact me and send me your work via Dojo or email. Have a lovely day.



To start, spend 20 minutes on TT rockstars.

Year 3

We will be starting a new unit of work. In this new unit we will be learning about length and perimeter.

Spr3.7.1 – Measure length from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers on the answer sheet.

Year 4

Spr4.7.3 – Subtract fractions from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers on the answer sheet.

Year 5

Spr5.7.3 – Add mixed numbers from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answer on the answer sheet.



You have looked at the first 2 chapters of our new book ‘Rock Bottom’. There are many different characters throughout the story. Today, I would like you to choose one of these characters; Nick, Frank, Miss Plant, Blake or Robyn.

Once you have chosen your character you can watch the video below.

Character description-Jessie example – PDF

Additional words for character description


Rock Bottom – Chapter 3 extract

Below I have videoed myself reading the book to you. You can follow the story with me as you can see the pages from the book. Please remember to pause the video when your character is mentioned. You can then add information to your character description. You do not need to write down every quote, you only need to add something new.



I would like you to read the next chapter of your book on Fiction Express. If you have decided to create a free account and chosen a book from the Oxford Owl website, I would also like you to read the next chapter of your book.


Screen free afternoon activities

Below, I have suggested some activities for your screen free afternoon.

  • Challenge yourself. For example, how many star jumps can I do in a minute? Then see if you can push yourself and improve your own score.
  • Write yourself a letter. You could write a letter to your future self. It could be opened on the last day of the year. You might like to include what you hope to achieve between now and then.
  • Last half term, many of you baked some delicious looking food. Could you cook or bake something you’ve never tried before or perhaps your favourite recipe (you will need an adult to help you).
  • You could build a mini gold course. In the first Lockdown, I built a gold course around my house using pillows, blocks, chairs and spare cardboard boxes. I used a wooden spoon as the gold club, a ball of foil as the ball and a mug on its side for the hole. Can you get a hole in one?
  • You could create some art work. You could draw, colour, paint, make a collage or try some sewing. Some people find art very relaxing.

What ever you decide to do, try and complete an active activity this afternoon. That could be inside or outside, going on a walk or run, doing some yoga or dancing.

Have a lovely afternoon!

Class 2 Home Learning Friday 12.02.21

Good morning Class 2

It’s the last day of half term!

Today, we will have a Teams meeting at 10 o clock for the whole class.

Please send me your work via Dojo or e mail.

Have a restful and safe half term break.





To start, you can work through your activities in your maths starter.

Year 3 starter 12.02

Year 4 starter 12.02

Year 5 starter 12.02

Year 3

There are no worksheets to fill in today. Your activity is on the video. You will need to pause the video to write down your answers on a piece of paper. The video will talk you through your activities, so you can pause and rewind any parts you want to hear again.

Spr3.6.2 – Draw bar charts activity from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Year 4

Spr4.6.2 – Equivalent fractions (1) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

Then you can check your answers on the answer sheet.

Year 5

Spr5.6.4 – Add fractions within 1 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

Then you can check your answers on the answer sheet.



Year 3 and 4

You can login to purple mash. I have set you a 2Do called Pronoun or Proper noun.

Year 5

You can login to purple mash. I have set you a 2Do called Story Snaps.



You can work through your comprehension activity. Read the passage thoroughly to help you answer the questions.

Year 3 comprehension activity 12.02

Year 4 comprehension activity 12.02

Year 5 comprehension activity 12.02



I would like you to read the next chapter of your book on Fiction Express. If you have decided to create a free account and chosen a book from the Oxford Owl website, I would also like you to read the next chapter of your book.



Today you have 2 choices for PE.

First choice: I have set you a video that will ask you to look for certain items around your house. You may not have all these items but try your best to touch all the items before the 30 second timer is up. Remember, no running! You have to walk or speed walk to find the items.

PE Quest

Second choice: You can join Joe Wicks for his Friday work out. I have linked his Youtube channel here. His Friday video will go live at 9 am and his video will be available all day.



You can log in to Charanga here.

Your log in details can be found in your e mail. If you have any issues, please let me know.

Once you login please press the Mamma Mia tab and click on Step 5. You can work through each activity in Step 5.

As an extra activity, you can also complete step 6 if you would like to.

Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 11.02.21

Good morning Class 2

Today there will be a Teams meeting for Year 3 and 4 to complete your spelling test. We will be meeting at 9:30 and year 4 will stay in the meeting to complete your guided reading. Year 3, Mrs Blank will send you an invite to a meeting at 10:30 for your guided reading session.




To start, spend 15 minutes on TT rockstars.

Year 3

Today there are no videos to watch. You will need to work your way through the worksheet using the knowledge you have gathered over the last 2 days.

Once you have completed the worksheet, you can check your answers here.

Year 4

Spr4.6.1 – Equivalent fractions (2) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can check your answers on the answer sheet.

Year 5

Today there are no worksheets for you to complete. Your activity is on the video. You will need to pause the video to answers the questions and write your answers down. The answers will be revealed as you go through the video.

Spr5.6.3 – Add fractions within 1 activity from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.



Year 3/4

Year 3 and 4 writing challenge 11.02

Year 5


Year 5 writing challenge 11.02

Circus Animal video 



I would like you to read the next chapter of your book on Fiction Express. If you have decided to create a free account and chosen a book from the Oxford Owl website, I would also like you to read the next chapter of your book.

Please send me your English and Maths work.


Screen free afternoon activities

Today we have another screen free afternoon. I have suggested some activities for you to choose from:

  • Go on a walk
  • Build a den and snuggle up with your favourite book
  • Play in the garden
  • Build an obstacle course for you, your siblings, your family or your pets
  • Do some baking
  • Play/create a board game
  • Create a word search using words from your RE lessons

Class 2 Home Learning Friday 05.02.21

Good morning Class 2

We will be having a Teams meeting at 10 o clock for the whole of Class 2. I will ask the Year 4s to stay in the meeting as we look at your guided reading this week.

Please send me your work via Dojo or e mail. I will be in school all day, so if you have any questions you can also contact me via Dojo and e mail.

I look forward to seeing you all in our 10 o clock Teams meeting.

Have a lovely weekend.



To start, work through your Maths starter. You can either print this out or answer the questions in your Home Learning book.

Year 3 Maths starter

Year 4 Maths starter

Year 5 Maths starter


Year 3

Today you will be completing an end of unit challenge. There is no video, just a sheet to work through. Take as much time as you need and try to carefully think about what the questions is asking you to do.


Year 4

Spr4.5.2 – What is a fraction? from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

Then you can check your answers on the answer sheet.

Year 5

You can watch the video to complete the questions 5, 6 and 7 from yesterday’s worksheet.

Spr5.5.4 – Compare and order fractions less than 1 (second part of worksheet) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete questions 5, 6 and 7 on your worksheet.

Then you can check your answers on the answer sheet.



Year 3/4

You can log in to purple mash and complete the 2Do you have been set. It is called Harry’s Party.

Year 5

You can log in to purple mash and complete the 2Do you have been set. It is called Jane’s Monster.



Today, you can complete your comprehension. Read the questions first and then read through the whole text to help you answer the questions.

Year 3 and 4 – Year 3-4 comprehension 05.02.21

Year 5 – Year 5 comprehension 05.02.21



I would like you to read the next chapter of your book on Fiction Express. If you have decided to create a free account and chosen a book from the Oxford Owl website, I would also like you to read the next chapter of your book.



Today, you can follow Joe Wicks’ Friday workout. Here is a link to his YouTube channel and his video with the day’s workout goes live at 9:00 am.



This week in French, I would like you to draw a picture of your family. This picture can include any members of your family. You will need to label them in French e.g my brother would be mon frère.

You can use the table of translation in this document to help you.

family members French-English table