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Class 3 home learning tasks 5.5.20

Goooooood morning everyone!

Before we get into today’s lessons, a student from our class (Lauren) has come up with a great idea! As Lauren and myself are missing you all, how about you send me a picture of yourself doing something you love? It could be school related… OR it could be with your pet, your family, playing football, sat on a tractor… anything you like! I’m beginning to forget what you look like so this may be a nice way to remind me, and also a great way for your fellow classmates to see how you’re getting on! Feel free to write a little message on some paper to your friends and be as creative as you like!

OK, so back to today’s lessons! Just so you’re aware, I have chosen to go with Bitesize lessons as I am aware some people don’t have access to printers and have been struggling to complete the work as a result of this. The Bitesize lessons closely follow the Year 6 curriculum and the maths is created in partnership with White Rose Maths which is the same format and structure to the maths I deliver at school.

Maths: First, complete this arithmetic warm-up: Arithmetic warm-up

Today you will be simplifying fractions, something we have done a lot of work on at school!

English: Here’s a grammar warm-up: Grammar warm-up

On bitesize you’ll be analysing setting descriptions!

Extra: Tom Palmer (author of Armistice Runner) is delivering a live reading from his new book today over on facebook! Armistice runner was very popular with everyone, so I think this might be popular with you all also. His new book is about the Second World War and he’ll be taking questions LIVE! So get thinking of some good, thought provoking questions!

History: There’s a really fun lesson on Ancient Egypt on bitesize!

Please continue with all your other online learning websites! If you are yet to send me your work, then please do! I am eagerly waiting!

Contact me if you have any problems! Have a great day!

Miss France


Class 3 home learning tasks 4.5.20

Hello everyone! Welcome to week 7 of home learning! I have really enjoyed seeing the hard work you are putting into your weekly projects, they are looking brilliant and will be added to your portfolio’s on Class Dojo as evidence of the work you are completing during these strange times.

Maths: Have a go at this arithmetic warm-up:

Arithmetic warm-up

Today I would like you to complete this Bitesize lesson:

English: Have a go at this grammar warm-up:

Grammar warm-up

I would like you to complete this reading lesson in your blue exercise books:

Weekly Project: This week’s project is about different viewpoints!

Weekly learning project

Extra: I have uploaded some additional lessons to purple mash for you to work through once these lessons have been completed. I have also sent challenge to all of your on TTRockstars so log in and try and beat me! Please continue with your CGP books, P.E with Joe or cosmic kids yoga and duolingo!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 1.5.20

Happy Friday Class 3! You’ve smashed another week of home learning, GO YOU!

Maths: Have a go at these challenge cards first: Challenge Cards

Here’s a lovely little BODMAS lesson:

English: Try this word class warm-up first: Grammar warm-up

This should answer the age old question of ‘What’s the difference between a dash and a hyphen?’

Weekly Project: Today is hand in day for your weekly projects! Please either add them to your portfolio’s on Class Dojo, send them to me in a message on Class Dojo or email them to me!

P.E: I hope you enjoyed the Harry Potter yoga lesson yesterday! If you’d rather do P.E with Joe today then that is absolutely fine or you can try Star Wars yoga!

Please don’t forget to send me your reading plan for the next coming weeks!

Extra: Try out this interactive jungle animals powerpoint!

Jungle Animals – What am I?

Have a great weekend!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 30.4.20

Good morning everyone! I hope you’re all keeping well and not missing school too much!

Maths: Try this warm up : Arithmetic warm-up

Then could you please complete this BBC Bitesize lesson on negative numbers!

English: Try this vocabulary warm-up (use a dictionary to help you) : Vocabulary warm-up

Then here’s a lesson on passive and active verbs, which is pretty tricky!

Weekly project: Today consists of researching places of worship!

Reading plan: I’m sure you’re all reading everyday already, but just for my piece of mind could you please complete this reading plan and send me a picture/word document so I can see what you plan on reading in the coming weeks! Reading plan

P.E: If you’d like to mix it up a bit and try something other than P.E with Joe, Cosmic kids yoga is a youtube channel for children of all ages, and OF COURSE I have found a Harry Potter yoga session! Let me know what you think!

Have a great day!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 29.4.20

Hi everyone! I hope the change in weather isn’t getting you down! Keep all the amazing photos coming in of the work you’ve been completing or just what you’ve been getting up to in general, I am thoroughly enjoying them!

Maths: Here’s an arithmetic activity to warm you up and then you can have a go at the BBC Bitesize lesson!

Arithmetic warm-up

English: Try this word class warm up before you complete the BBC Bitesize lesson on bullet points!

Grammar Warm-up

Weekly project: Continue working on your weekly project, today’s focus is ‘Where in the World?’

Art: With the weather suddenly turning rubbish, I thought a nice little art activity would be beneficial! This one even uses recycled goods!

DIY Recycled Lantern

Extra: If you finish these activities and fancy something else try this Science lesson:

Let me know if you have any questions!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 28.4.20

Good morning everyone! Apologies for any technical difficulties you may have experienced on the past couple of posts, the school website often likes to ignore my links or delete them, so thank you to those who let me know and if you notice anything missing in the future please email me and I’ll rectify the issue as soon as possible!

Maths: I’ve had some good feedback with regards to the BBC bitesize lessons, so today I’d like you to have a go at a maths lesson on short and long multiplication, something you should be pretty confident with at this stage.

I also found this fractions game if you have access to a printer at home!

Fractions Spinner Game

English: Please complete this BBC Bitesize lesson on commas, brackets and dashes, use your blue exercise book to record work where necessary.

Weekly Project: Please continue with your weekly project, today’s focus is ‘Promoting your local area’. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, please refer to yesterday’s post for the weekly project breakdown and instructions!

If the miserable weather is keeping you indoors and you’ve finished your schoolwork and have become bored with your phones, you could always try this geography lesson:

Alternatively, I have assigned some more ‘to do’s’ on purple mash as well as another module on duo lingo to be completed this week!

Stay positive everyone!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 27.4.20

Good morning Class 3! I hope you had a great weekend in the sun! I’m hoping after some conversations I had last week that everyone will be logging on today and completing these tasks. I ask that you complete the English and maths tasks first before you make a start on your weekly project!

Maths: Have a go at these word problems. Don’t worry if you don’t have a printer, you can just answer them straight into your blue exercise books.

Multiplication and Division Word Problems

English: Here is the link to today’s English lesson on using punctuation and paragraphs! Again, use your blue exercise books where necessary.

Weekly Project: I LOVED the ‘my family’ projects that were emailed to me! Amazing effort from those that I have seen. The weekly project this week is based on the ‘area that you live in’ and will challenge your design skills! There are also suggestions for other activities you can have a go at on your weekly project sheet, such as: spellings, writing tasks and maths tasks! Lots to keep you busy!

Weekly Project – ‘Area you live in’

As normal, please continue with P.E with Joe, Duolingo, TTrockstars, purple mash and your CGP books!

If you or your parents have any questions then please give me a message on class dojo or feel free to email me!

Have a great day!

Miss France



Class 3 home learning tasks 24.4.20

And just like that, it’s Friday again! Well done on completing another week of home learning! Hopefully you all managed to watch the Bookfest film and saw the Cheswardine winners and those who got a mention! If you haven’t watched it yet, I won’t spoil it, but well done to all of you, the artwork and letters you submitted truly were brilliant!


1a Multi-step Questions

5a Multi-step Questions

9a Multi-step Questions

English: Please try this reading activity on BBC Bitesize:

PSHE: I thought this lesson might be beneficial for anyone unsure on what to expect next year at Secondary School.

Weekly Project: Today is the day for you to show me what you’ve been working on! Please send pictures/work to me via Class Dojo.

I am available in Hinstock today if you wish to speak to me about any concern or have any questions. I will be ringing the children who are flagging up as a concern due to not engaging with home learning.

Have a super weekend!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 23.4.20

Gooooood morning Class 3! Today is the day of the Bookfest award ceremony so make sure you’re ready to go and watch it at 10am, streaming live on the Bookfest website:

Maths: Have a go at these multi-step questions today! I would suggest having a go at a 1a questions to begin with and then progressing further if you’re comfortable to do so.

1a Multi-step Questions

5a Multi-step Questions

9a Multi-step Questions

English: For English today I would you to have a go at this BBC Bitesize lesson on adjectives and descriptive writing! You can complete the written activities in your blue exercise books.

Please continue with your other activities (CGP books, duolingo, TTrockstars) as I am checking the online learning portals each day and will be ringing the children who are not engaging on Friday afternoon!

Have a great day and good luck in the Bookfest awards!

Miss France


Class 3 home learning tasks 22.4.20

Good morning! Welcome to another day of home learning!


1a Roman Numerals

5a Roman Numerals

9a Roman Numerals


Sorting advertisement vocabulary

I’d like you to have a go at this verbs lesson through BBC Bitesize!

Project: Please continue with your ‘my family’ projects!

I will be available on Friday at Hinstock School if you wish to speak to me about any concerns. The Hinstock phone number is: 01952 550220

I will be ringing the students who are not engaging with the online learning to see if there is an on-going issue that can be rectified and as a reminder of the importance of home learning during these uncertain times.

Please continue to do PE with Joe everyday, using TTrockstars and completing your CGP books!

Hope you are all well!

Miss France

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