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Tuesday 12/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello everyone! I hope you are all well.


Here are today’s home learning suggestions: Today’s activities follow on from the story yesterday, so if you want to watch the story again you should.


Have a look in your food cupboards and see what things you have in there. See if you can make a crab from your food. See below for an idea:

I would love to see photos of your finished product.



For phonics today I would like you to find objects that begin with ‘m’ and objects that begin with ‘g’. Can you put them into separate piles? What did you find? Then watch Jolly phonics (search YouTube).



Today think about the number 5. Can you do five jumps or five claps? What else could you do to show five? Maybe you could do five nose claps too? That is one of our favourites!


For a bit of physical activity go into your garden and make an obstacle course using anything in your garden.


Have a lovely day,


Home Learning Tuesday 12th May

Good morning Class 2,

I hope that you all enjoyed completing your self portraits yesterday! I look for ward to seeing them. Here are today’s tasks.

For you warm up can you complete the cloud themed activities below.

Bronze cloud estimation

Silver cloud addition

Gold grid reference clouds

Here are today’s White Rose materials. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below.
Year 3 – Summer term w/c 11th May Lesson 2- Multiplying 2 digits by 1 digit
Year 4 -Summer term w/c 11th May Lesson 2 – Perimeter of rectangles
Year 5 -Summer term w/c 11th May Lesson 2 – Equivalent Fractions

Year 3 lesson-2-multiply-2-digits-by-1-digit

Year 4 Lesson 2 Perimeter of a rectangle

Year 5 lesson-2-equivalent-fractions


Today we are going to look at a cloudy lesson again but this time thinking about the conversation that the two characters are having. Use the planning sheet below and try to write down some ideas about different things that the characters could be saying to each other.


Now we need to think about how we set speech out including speech punctuation as well as the punctuation that we use inside the inverted commas. Watch this video below. BBC – revise direct speech.

I would like you to write out the conversation that the two characters could be having. Year 3, try to write at least eight sentences, four from each character making sure that you punctuate the speech accurately. Year 4, make sure that you are using a range of verbs and better words than ‘said’. Year 5, try to write about the action as well as the dialogue. You could use some reported speech if you think it is appropriate to maintain the pace of the story.


As we have been looking at clouds in English, I thought we could learn more about the types of clouds.  Watch the video and powerpoint below.


Now can you try to make a cloud in a bottle? I have given you two different methods to try as you may not have everything that you need at home so read the equipment list before deciding which version to use.

How to make a cloud in a jar using hairspray


If you don’t have any of the equipment at home, you can write about the different types of cloud on the sheet below.


Something else?

Use the cloud identifier below and see how many different types of clouds you can see.

cloud identifier


Monday 11/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello everyone, I hope you had a lovely long weekend and enjoyed the sun! I would love to see photos of what you did over the weekend.

Here are today’s suggested activities:


Listen to the story ‘Don’t Worry, Little Crab’ on Cbeebies (the link is below):


In the story there is a big crab and a little crab. Look around your house and find four sets of objects. For each set you need two of each in different sizes. See below for an example:


Once you have found all of your objects (they can be anything, you just need two of them) put each set in order of smallest to biggest). Encourage your child to use words such as smaller or bigger. If they need an extension on this try the activity with three objects in each set to make it trickier.




For phonics today, it is a really fun one. This activity is taken from the Letters and Sounds document:


It is called ‘Enlivening stories’:
Involve your child in songs and stories, enlivened by role-play, props and repeated sounds, for example acting out ‘Humpty Dumpty….’ Use your bodies to help make the sounds suggested below.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall (bump, crash, bang!)
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men (gallop, gallop, gallop)
Couldn’t put Humpty together again (boo, hoo, boo, hoo, boo, hoo).



For some of your daily exercise, have a go at this Moana dance.


Have a lovely day and hopefully the sun will be back today!



Thursday 07/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestioins


Hi everyone, I hope you are all well and enjoyed making crumble yesterday.


Here are today’s suggested activities:

On Class Dojo on stories there is a video. Please watch it. I hope you enjoy it – it is a story about cake!



For phonics today try the following activity:

Our sound box/bag
Make collections of objects with names beginning with the same sound. Create a song,
such as ‘What have we got in our sound box today?’ and then show the objects one at a
time. Emphasise the initial sound (e.g. s-s-s-snake, s-s-s-sock, s-s-s-sausage).



Today, design and make some medals for you and the people that you live with. Then tomorrow you can all wear them together to enjoy the day! See below for some ideas on shapes:

VE Day Celebration Medal Template



Don’t forget to keep moving too!

Have a lovely long weekend and I’ll be back with some activities on Monday.


Wednesday 06/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello! We’re half way through the week again!


Here are today’s learning suggestions:

Yesterday you made a list for apple crumble ingredients. Today, see if you can find the ingredients and then make an apple crumble ready for Friday’s celebration. Follow the link below for an apple crumble recipe.


For phonics today go into one room (only one room!) in your house and see how many objects beginning with m you can find. In your purple sketch book practice drawing m and then draw some of the objects that you found.


Make some name cards for Friday. Draw large  rectangles on a piece of card or paper and then cut it out. Decorate all of the rectangles. With help write your family members names on each card (one on each card) and keep safe until Friday.


Have fun! Leanne.


Tuesday 05/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed making the bunting yesterday.


Today we are carrying on with preparations for a V.E day celebration.  75 years ago a popular treat was apple crumble. Do you like apple crumble? Below is a list of ingredients that are needed for apple crumble. Please draw the ingredients for the list. If you want to copy some of the ingredient words as well that would be great! Please use your purple sketch book for this.

Ingredients: apples, water, plain flour, unsalted butter, brown sugar



For phonics please practice drawing the following sounds:

s    a   t    p    i    n    m

Now find one object for each sound e.g snake for s, apple for a. Which is your favourite object that you found? Can you draw it?



For a physical activity today make some space in your garden and see how many laps you can do in one minute. Try one minute of running, one minute of hopping and then some other things. Which is the easiest way to do the most laps? Maybe you could have a competition with somebody at home?!


Have a lovely day, Leanne.

Monday 04/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello everyone, I hope you have had a lovely weekend. As it is V.E. day on Friday and many of us would have been joining in with various celebrations, this week we will focus on preparing your own event.



What does a triangle look like? Draw one in your purple sketch book. Can you find any in your house / garden? Draw what you find. Next find some blue, red and white paper or card and cut out lots of large triangles. Once you have done this attach them to string or wool using sellotape or by punching holes into the triangles. This will make some lovely bunting ready for V.E. day on Friday.



Next find a large piece of white paper / card or even an old sheet. Then find lots of bits that are blue, white and red to make a collage of the Union Jack flag which is shown below. Keep this safe ready for Friday.

Image result for union jack flag




For phonics today: Letters and Sounds:

Make your own socks and shakers:
Partially fill either opaque plastic bottles or the toes of socks with noisy materials (e.g. rice, peas, pebbles, marbles, shells, coins). Ask the children to shake the bottles or socks and identify what is inside from the sound the items make. From the feel and the sound of the noisy materials encourage the children to talk about them. Ask questions such as: Where might we find shells and pebbles?





Have a lovely day doing this craft activities, Leanne.


Friday 01/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Well….it’s Friday and we are into May already!

The weather has taken a turn for the worse but the sun keeps trying to poke through so hopefully the weekend will be a sunny one!

Here are today’s suggested activities:

When I go to the beach I always make a sandcastle but….I usually forget my flag to go on top! Could you please make a flag that would go on top of your sandcastle. You can use paper and crayons or some craft materials. Make it with whatever you want! Do you think the flag that you have made would stand up in sand?



Use the Letters and Sounds document to play ‘Describe and Find it’  page 11 (use any animals – farm, zoo etc). Link below:



Use the shapes that you made yesterday to make a picture. Colour them in (if not on coloured paper)  and then glue them into your book to make a picture.



Relax and have a listen to a lovely story on Cbeebies:


I hope you enjoy these activities. Have a lovely weekend.


Thursday 30/04/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello everyone. I hope you enjoyed the activities that were suggested yesterday. Here are today’s suggested activities.

Learn some new seaside songs (please see below and click on the link). Once you’ve mastered them why not make up a dance for the song.

seaside songs


For phonics please listen to Jolly Phonics on YouTube all the way through and then practice the ‘m’ song again. Use your finger to draw an ‘m’ in the air. Then use your finger to draw an ‘m’ anywhere. Maybe you could do it on somebody’s back or in the steam in the mirror after you’ve had a bath!!



Draw lots of different shapes on a variety of coloured or textured paper and then cut them out. Keep your shapes safe for tomorrow.



Finally, have a lovely session of Cosmic Yoga. Try ‘Squish the Fish’.

Wednesday 29/04/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello everyone!! Unfortunately the weather isn’t as good as it has been but hopefully these activities will keep you busy.


I would like you to make me a postcard. On a piece of paper draw a picture – it could be you at the beach or  you at home – anywhere you want it to be. On the other side write to me to tell me what you have been doing. You could tell Mummy or Daddy what you want to say and then they write it or you could do some mark making / writing yourself and then tell tell them what you have written.


I hope you enjoyed the phonics session on Class Dojo yesterday. Today’s session is on Phonics Play and is ‘Super Smoothie’. This session is more suitable for the Nursery leavers but we have used it with younger ones and they enjoy it – particularly the hippo at the end!

Username: march20
Password: home

Follow this link:



Have a go at some more Makaton. Today’s sign is ‘bucket and spade’.


Why not watch an episode of Something Special afterwards – they are at the beach:



Remember it is still as important to keep moving! Try dancing with Darcey Bussell’s team on Facebook. Their page is DDMIX and they are live at 1:30PM for a daily shake up!


Have a lovely day!


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