Home Learning Monday 01.02.21

Good morning Class 2.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend?  There will be a Teams meeting today at 2.30 for year 5 to complete your spelling test and guided reading task. Please find today’s tasks below.


Try the following number sequence challenges for your warm up:

Gold: Try this number sequence challenge for your warm up (number 5 is tricky).

Silver:  number sequences

Bronze:  Number Sequences

Year 3

mon Y3-Answers-Convert-pounds-and-pence

mon Y3-Worksheet-Convert-pounds-and-pence


Year 4

Mon Y4-Answers-Making-shapes

Mon Y4-Worksheet Making-shapes


Year 5

Mon Y5-Answers -Improper-to-mixed-numbers

Mon Y5-Worksheet-Improper-to-mixed-numbers


Today we are all looking at fronted adverbials. We have looked at this before, but to remind you what fronted adverbials are, please watch the video clip on BBC website and complete the quiz. There are then two videos for you to watch explaining today’s task.

Year 3/4

3/4 gorilla-fronted-adverbials-worksheet

PDF: 34 gorilla-fronted-adverbials-worksheet

Year 5

Year 5 Video Clip – The Brown Bear



On Fiction Express I would like you to read the next chapter of your book. Or you can use the Oxford Owl website.


Can you please complete the lesson form Oak academy on metamorphic rocks. The task is part of the video. You may need to pause the video at different points to complete the task on screen.

Metamorphic Rocks


If you can try to go outside for some exercise. Try to go for a walk, a run or a bike ride. If you are unable to get out today there is a 20 minute yoga session for you to complete.