Home Learning Tuesday 12.01.21

Good morning class 2,

I was really pleased to see all of the work that you submitted yesterday. It’s great to see so many of you working hard! I will be in school today, so if there is anything that I can help you with message me on dojo, or I can set up a Teams chat with you. This morning, I will be phoning some of you to see how you are getting on with your home learning. If you don’t get a call or you are busy, don’t worry, more phone calls will be made at the end of this week and next week. A reminder as well that there is a Teams meeting for all at 1.30 this afternoon.  Please watch the video below outlining today’s work and I will speak to you this afternoon!


For your mental maths starter, can you please complete the number of the day sheet below?

year 3 Number of the day

year 4 Number of the Day

 year 5 Number of the day

You will find the White Rose activities below.

Year 3

Tue Y3- Answers-Multiply-2-digits-by-1-digit-1

Tue Y3-Worksheet-Multiply-2-digits-by-1-digit-1


Year 4

Tue Y4-Worksheet Written-methods

Tue Y4-Answers-Written-methods


Year 5

Spr5.2.1 – Multiply 2-digits by 2-digits from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

wed Y5-Answers-Multiply-2-digits-by-2-digits-

wed Y5-Worksheet Multiply-2-digits-by-2-digits



.Just like in Judith Kerr’s picture book – A Tiger Came to Tea, imagine that either a Bengal tiger or a different animal (perhaps a jaguar) paid you a visit.  How would they behave? Could you write a story about this? Try to write in the style of the book so that it can be enjoyed by younger children.

Year 3/4 – Can you include 2 list sentences, where you use what you learnt yesterday to  list adjectives. These can describe the animal, setting or emotions.

It was a cold, wet, miserable and misty morning.

Year 5 – Can you try and write two passive sentences using what you learnt yesterday? Perhaps you could emphasise what the animal has eaten/ broken by opening the sentence with the object?

e.g All of the plates in the cupboard were smashed (by the tiger).

There is also an animated version of this book if you would like to watch it.


Today I would like you to think about rocks in your local environment.

Think about where you see rocks used in your local area, e.g.  bricks, roofing materials, playground, pavements, kerbs, walls, steps, posts. Some will be man- made and some will be naturally occurring.

Go for a walk around your local neighbourhood (if you are unable to, you could look in the home e.g. tiles worktops etc.) and look for rocks (e.g. church or cottages built of local stone, gravestones, dry stone walls). Draw and write what you see/have seen and describe the rock (or name it if you can). Please look at the powerpoint below and the survey sheet.

session 3 – rock survey

rock survey


Today we will be starting a new unit in D&T, which we will complete over the next few weeks. I will hold a Teams meeting at 2.00 pm to talk through what we will be doing and for you to share your ideas. The task to complete following the meeting is below. I would like you to complete the first sheet, but if you are able to, you can also complete the pizza tasting sheet before the lesson next Tuesday ( only if you are having pizza as a meal – don’t worry – this is optional).

Week 1 pizza research