Class 1 Home Learning – Tuesday 19th May

Good morning everybody.

Today’s activities are below.


Phonics – Watch the learning video on class story on dojos for your new sounds this week oi er followed by the activity on purple mash.

English – Following on from yesterday’s work, draw and write sentences for what happened in The Very Hungry Caterpillar for the days Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Maths – Play the shape pattern games on this link Start on level 1 and see if you can have a go at higher levels.

Computing – Complete the typing activity on purple mash.

Year 1:

Phonics – Complete the phonics activity on purple mash for the alternative sounds we are looking at this week ow ie ou

English – Complete the 3 activities set on purple mash which are linked to chapter 4 of Anna and the 3rd leaf that you read yesterday.

Maths – Watch the learning videos and play the games from this link.  Then, make 3 of the 2d shapes using any construction toys, play dough or craft materials that you have at home and list some of their properties in your home book.

Computing – Complete the typing activity on purple mash.

Year 2:

Phonics – Complete the activities on the slide show on purple mash for words ending in ‘tion’.

English – Complete the 3 activities set on purple mash which are linked to chapter 5 of Ned and the Detectives that you read yesterday.

Maths – Watch the learning video and play the games in this link  Than can you see if you can make some models of some 3d shapes using any construction toys, play dough or craft materials that you have at home. List their properties in your home learning book.

Computing – Complete the typing activity on purple mash.

Don’t forget we love to see any photos of your work on class Dojos.

Class 1 – Home learning Activities Monday 18th May

Good morning all and welcome to the last week of this half term. I hope you are all very well. This weeks tasks are:


Phonics – Watch and join in with this learning  video to recap the sounds we have been learning so far. This video also allows you to practice reading the tricky words in phase 3.

Then record yourself reading the sentences on purple mash.

Maths – Watch the learning power point about 2d shapes. everyday-2d-shapes-powerpoint Then go on a shape hunt around the home or garden. Can you find objects that are these shape? Draw a selection of them on your book and label the shape.

English – The very hungry Caterpillar. Draw pictures and write a sentence for what happens on each day for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (We will do the rest of the week tomorrow)

Computing – Complete the typing games set on purple mash.

Year 1:

Phonics – Practise on sight reading of phase 5 tricky words Then complete the phonics activities on the purple mash slideshow.

Maths – Watch the learning power point about properties of shapes. year-1-properties-of-shape-warmup-powerpoint Then complete the ‘2d shape pairs’ game on purple mash.

English – Read chapter 4 of ‘Anna and the 3rd leaf’ on purple mash.

Computing – Complete the typing games set on purple mash.

Year 2:

Phonics – Complete the power point activities for the ‘tion’ ending of words like station. The power point suggests working in pairs but you can do this by yourself. Year 2 tion Presentation Then complete the activities on the purple mash slide show for words ending in ‘tion’.

Maths – Watch the learning power point ‘naming 3d shapes’ Name-the-3D-Shape-Year-2-PowerPoint-Quiz Then complete the shape activity on purple mash.

English – Read the final chapter 5 of ‘Ned and the Detectives’ on purple mash.

Computing – Complete the typing games set on purple mash.

Home learning tasks – 15/05/20

Good morning all.  I hope you are all okay?  I’ve seen some lovely work sent through via class dojo this week so thank you for that.  We do love seeing what you have been up to so please do keep in touch that way.  Parents, children could always type us a message too if they want, we’ll certainly reply to them.


Please continue with the tasks I set for you on Wednesday.  I’ve seen some fab hungry caterpillar stuff so far.

Year One

Maths and Topic are as set earlier in the week.

English – can you write me some sentences (maybe 5 or more) that use some of the suffixes you have been learning this week. Start your sentence with: When I went to the seaside, I saw… then write a number (in words) and add something you saw.  For example – When I went to the seaside, I saw one gigantic, blue whale swimming in the sea. The next sentence you write will be two…., then three… and so on.  I wonder what you will see? See if you can add some great descriptive words too so I can imagine what you saw. If you want to add drawings too – even better!

Year Two

Maths and Topic are as set earlier in the week.

English – here is a reading comprehension about beaches.  Remember to start your sentences with a capital letter and end them with a full stop please.


Home Learning Tasks – 14/05/20

Good morning. Here are your home learning tasks for today.

Reception – please continue with the work set yesterday through to Friday.

Year One – please continue with the Maths and Topic work set yesterday. Your English today is to add s and es onto a root word.

Activity Sheet Adding ‘es’

Activity Sheet Adding ‘s’

Year Two – please continue with the Maths and Topic work set yesterday. Your English today is to add ness to a root word.

Adding -ness Word Search

Activity Sheet Jumbled Word

Activity Sheet Adding -ness

Home learning tasks – 13/05/20

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all okay this week.  Here are your home learning tasks for today:


I see that Mrs Jones has given you The Very Hungry Caterpillar to read so I’ve found some great resources for you to work through this week. I hope you enjoy them but don’t end up with a tummy ache!




Year One


Here are some -ed activities for you to try!  Have fun acting out the words!

Act It Out Word Cards

Activity Sheet Sorting ed Sounds

Activity Sheet Adding -ed


Here are some addition and subtraction sheets for the week to work through.  If you get stuck, please ask me for help.  Remember when adding up, to put the big number in your head and then count on.



I know we can’t go to the seaside yet, unfortunately but we can pretend to be there!  Have a look at these activities and work your way through them in your home learning book. Don’t forget to show us what you are doing as we love to see your photos!




Year Two


Can have a go at these worksheets which look at adding -ly to the end of words?

Activity Sheet Change the Adjective

Activity Sheet Boring Sentences


Here are some addition and subtraction activities to work through this week. If you get stuck, please ask me for help. Don’t forget, when adding, to put the big number in your head and count on.



I know we can’t go to the seaside yet, unfortunately but we can pretend to be there!  Have a look at these activities and work your way through them in your home learning book. Don’t forget to show us what you are doing as we love to see your photos!





Class 1 Home learning Activities -Tuesday 12th may

Hello today’s activities are:


Phonics – Watch the 2 learning video on dojos class story for letter formation and your new sounds ur ow then complete the activity on purple mash.

English – Draw a story map of ‘The very Hungry Caterpillar’ in your yellow book. The children have drawn story maps before but I’ll record a demonstration on dojos class story for you.

Maths – Work through the power point ‘halving fruit for parrots’ halving-fruits-for-parrots-powerpoint-   As a follow up activity. Outside or inside collect groups of objects up to 20 (even numbers only) for children to halve. e.g ask pupil to count out 12 stones and share them into two groups to find half. Ask pupil to recount to be able to say half of 12 is 6. Please take photos or record on dojos.

Design and Technology – Yesterday you planned to make a fruit kebab so today you can make it! Enjoy! Have a go at recording answers to evaluation questions on purple mash. Can you draw your kebab using paint on purple mash.

Year 1:

Phonics – Watch the learning video on dojos Class story. Then complete the activity on purple mash.

English – Complete the quiz and paint project on purple mash related to chapter 3 of the story you read yesterday.

Maths – Watch the learning video to ‘add and subtract by making 10’ Then complete the additions on purple mash.

Design and Technology – Yesterday you planned to make a fruit kebab so today you can make it! Enjoy! Have a go at recording answers to evaluation questions on purple mash. Can you draw your kebab using paint on purple mash.

Year 2:

Phonics – Complete the activities on the slideshow on purple mash following on from your prefix work yesterday.

English – Complete the yes/no quiz and paint project on purple mash related to chapter 4 of the story you read yesterday.

Maths – Watch the learning slide show for adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers and tens Then complete the maths activities on the 2 sheets. add and subtract 10’s      and     Addition and subtraction mosaic

Design and Technology – Yesterday you planned to make a fruit kebab so today you can make it! Enjoy! Evaluate your design from this template, copy or print out. Evaluating my fruit kebab Can you draw your kebab using paint on purple mash.




Class 1 Home Learning Activities – Monday 11th May


Phonics: Watch this video to recap the ar phoneme.

Watch this video to recap the or phoneme.

Now can you try and write some of those ‘ar’ and ‘or’ words in your yellow book.

English: Listen to and follow the story The very Hungry Caterpillar on dojos class story. Then create your own 3d story map of the story. The children have done this in class before but for a reminder see my demonstration on dojos class story. We have been busy with toys and lego to create ours but you can use whatever you like.

Maths: Read through the doubles power point. Pause to count the spots and see if the children recognise the numbers in the addition sentences. Reception doubles to 20 power point

Print out and complete the sheet or draw out into your yellow book. Don’t forget to draw in the corresponding spots to make double. Reception butterfly doubles

Design and Technology: Design a fruit kebab. I know some of you prefer a template to print out otherwise simply include all the sections from the template in your yellow book. Designing my fruit kebab R Y1

Year 1

Phonics: Watch the phonics video on dojos class story. Then complete the task on Purple mash.

English: Read chapter 3 of ‘Anna and the third leaf’

Maths: Watch the learning video on dojos class story. Then complete the additions in your yellow book or print out the sheet. Year 1 add by counting on

Design and Technology: Design a fruit kebab. I know some of you prefer a template to print out otherwise simply include all the sections from the template in your yellow book. Designing my fruit kebab R Y1



Phonics: Begin by going through the power point for the prefixes un dis mis on this link prefix powerpoint dis mis un

Watch the learning videos and play the games all about pre-fixes from this link

English: Read chapter 4 of ‘Ned and The Detectives’

Maths: Watch the learning video on dojos class story. Then complete the word problems in your yellow book or print the sheet Year 2-Addition-and-Subtraction-Word-Problems-2 step

Design and Technology: Design a fruit kebab. I know some of you prefer a template to print out otherwise simply include all the sections from the template in your yellow book. Designing my fruit kebab Y2


Home Learning – 07/05/20

Good morning.  This is our last day of learning today as tomorrow is bank holiday and VE day so I won’t be posting anything for you to do, if you are having a street party at home let us know what you get up to – Mrs Williams is baking scones!


English – Have a go at this Five Senses challenge sheet. Can you find everything on it? Five Senses Scavenger Hunt Activity Sheet

Maths – can you count these pets using numbers from 11-20?  Remember that the tens number, the 1 goes first. maths

Science – here are three experiments if you have any of these ingredients and want to try them out. egg sparkler rainbow

Year One

English – have a go at this Five Senses challenge sheet. Can you find everything on it? Five Senses Scavenger Hunt Activity Sheet

Maths – can you be a code breaker and have a go at these addition and subtraction emoji code breaking questions? emoji

Science – try these experiments if you have the ingredients at home. sparkler rainbow egg

Year Two 

English – try this VE day comprehension. ve day

Maths – can you be a code breaker and have a go at these addition and subtraction emoji code breaking questions? emoji

Science – try these experiments if you have the ingredients at home. sparkler rainbow egg

Home learning – 06/05/20

Good morning everyone.  I hope you have had a great week so far.  Here are some tasks for you to try out today:


English – Can you describe a character from a book you are reading?  Draw me a picture of them and then use some great adjectives in your writing to write me a label/ sentence or two about them (remember an adjective is a describing word, like big, or hairy).

Maths – Here are some estimation tasks for you to try. You don’t have to do them all, these are just some examples. estimate

Topic – complete an activity from the Rainbow Fish tasks.  This will be the final week on this as we will have a new topic from next week.

Year One:

English – write a book review of a book you have just finished reading.  Remember to include the title, author and illustrator of the book; tell me briefly what it is about (look at the blurb for this), whether or not you liked it and why; and include an illustration (this could be of the cover). Remember to use capital letters, fingers spaces and full stops in your writing.

Maths – lets try some fact family work today.  fact families 1This seems to be tricky but remember you only need to use the numbers that are in the triangles to do your sums. If you don’t want to print these out, just do them in your home learning book.

Topic – complete some more of your significant individual work. This is the last week we will be on this as I will set some different topic work from next week. Can you tell me who you have chosen to find out about?

Year Two – 

English – write a book review of a book you have just finished reading. Remember to include the title, author and illustrator of the book; tell me briefly what it is about (look at the blurb for this), whether or not you liked it and why; and include an illustration (this could be of the cover). Remember to use capital letters, fingers spaces and full stops in your writing as well as joining words, try to use ‘because’, ‘so’ etc and not just ‘and’ in your writing.

Maths – lets try some fact family work today.  You can do the work in your home learning book if you don’t want to print off the worksheets. Remember that you only need to use the numbers in the triangles! fact families 2

Topic – complete some more of your significant individual work. This is the last week we will be on this as I will set some different topic work from next week. Can you tell me who you have chosen to find out about?


Class 1 Home learning -Tuesday 5th May

Today’s activities are:


Phonics – Watch the learning video on dojos then complete the phonics game on purple mash ar or

English- Play the ‘what am I’ description game on this power point. Minibeasts-What-Am-I-Interactive-Powerpoint-Game

Then Draw and write about one of the minibeasts in the quiz in your yellow book. What information can you remember?

Maths – Watch the 2 learning videos on this link.       

Then complete the minibeast subtractions. You can either print this sheet out or just do the subtractions in your yellow book. minibeast-themed-subtraction_to 10

Year 1:

Phonics – Complete the phonics activities on the slide show on purple mash.

English – Complete the ‘quiz’ and ‘joining words’ games on purple mash relating to chapter 2 of Anna and the 3rd lead.

Maths – Watch the 2 learning videos on this link.   

Then complete the answers to these fact families questions in your yellow book. Please take a photo to show me on dojos. Addition and subtraction fact families

Year 2:

Phonics – Watch the learning power point to focus on ‘there their they’re’ homophones homophones There-Their-and-Theyre–PowerPoint_ver_1 (1)

Then, in your yellow book,  write out the sentences on this sheet using the correct word to fill the gaps. Homophones-Practice-Activity-Sheet-Theyre-There-Their

English – Complete the activities relating to chapter 3 of Ned and the detectives. You can either print the sheets out or write the answers in full sentences in your yellow book.Ned and the detectives ch3 activities__

Maths: Watch the learning video about comparing number sentences using maths symbols.

Then complete the maths games on this link.