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Class 3 home learning 5.2.21

Good morning Class 3! It’s Friday! You’ve come to the end of another successful week of home learning! Well done you!


As normal, please start by warming up on TT rockstars,  have a go on garage mode, studio (try and level up your rock status) and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then try out daily multiplication tables challenge 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet

We are starting on decimals today! Hooray! Here’s a recap lesson to refresh your memories!

Once you’ve watch the video, have a go at this worksheet: Decimals up to 2dp

Check your answers using the answer sheet


You may have heard in the news about the sad passing of Sir Captain Tom Moore. He lived a full and interesting life and he is the topic of our reading comprehension today!

Here is the text: Captain Sir Tom Text

Here and the questions: Captain Tom Questions

Once you have finished the Captain Tom comprehension, please log on to purple mash and complete your 2do’s! Complete ‘Samantha’s Day’ first!


Now that we have a screen free afternoon on a Thursday, our Friday lessons are going to be slightly more varied! I’m really excited to see your RE presentations at the end of this unit, please remember to keep adding to them each week with your knowledge of Islam! Today you will be learning about the incredible festivals of Islam. Click here to go to today’s lesson.


Option 1: PE with Joe

Option 2: Just dance workout

Option 3: Super Mario Martial Arts

Have a lovely weekend! We are making our pizzas next week, so be very polite and ask your grown ups whether you can add your ingredients to the shopping list!

Class 3 home learning 4.2.21

Good morning Class 3! Don’t forget our teams meeting has moved to 11am today!


As normal, please start by warming up on TT rockstars,  have a go on garage mode, studio (try and level up your rock status) and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then try out daily multiplication tables challenge 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet

You have finished your geometry module! Please complete this consolidation task and rate the difficulty once you have finished: Consolidation test

Once you have completed the assessment, mark it honestly using the answer sheet


In addition to creating a mess in and around rubbish bins, raccoons often damage human property. For this reason, many people living in urban areas consider the North American raccoon to be a pest. This can lead to raccoons being killed by home owners, who resort to poisoning them or setting lethal traps. Nevertheless, it is your belief that humans are the pests and not the raccoons. Present your case using the power of persuasive words. You’ll need to use emotive language and support your opinions with facts and information (use google)!

Reading/spellings: Please ensure you are reading on fiction express everyday! It only takes 5 minutes so there is nooooo excuse! Also be sure to practice your spellings learn their meaning, if you’re not sure, in preparation for your sentences and spelling test!

Screen free afternoon! 

Today is your first screen free afternoon so make the most of it! You could:

  • Go for a walk
  • Create some artwork
  • Do some baking
  • Do some extreme reading
  • Create a dance routine
  • Practice yoga
  • Tend to your pets
  • Practice football skills

Whatever you should to do please share it with the class by sending pictures in via class dojo! 🙂

Have a brilliant day!

Class 3 home learning 3.2.21

Good morning Class 3! I hope you’re all feeling awake and ready to learn!


As normal, please start by warming up on TT rockstars,  have a go on garage mode, studio (try and level up your rock status) and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then try out daily multiplication tables challenge 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet

Here is today’s worksheet: Reflections

Check your answers using the answer sheet


Your writing in English is getting better and better so we are going to continue our work on hyphens today, click here for today’s lesson. Please complete the whiteboard challenges and the worksheet only. The writing tasks are for tomorrow. Hyphens worksheet

Reading/spellings: Please ensure you are reading on fiction express everyday! It only takes 5 minutes so there is nooooo excuse! Also be sure to practice your spellings learn their meaning, if you’re not sure, in preparation for your sentences and spelling test! You’re spellings can be found under the spellings tab on class 3.

Parents’ news > Classes > Class 3 spellings


Today you will be learning about the incredible Brazilian city of Curitiba! Maybe Owen Paterson could do with being told about what goes on in this forward thinking city? Click here for today’s lesson! Don’t forget to complete the quiz at the end!


This week is mental health awareness week, so with that in mind I would like you to follow this yoga activity.

Have a great and keep your work and photo’s coming in!

Class 3 home learning 2.2.21

Good morning Class 3! Please don’t forget about our teams meeting today at 2pm!


As normal, please start by warming up on TT rockstars,  have a go on garage mode, studio (try and level up your rock status) and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then try out daily multiplication tables challenge 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet

Today’s worksheet: Translations

Check your answers using the answer sheet


Today you will be writing a diary entry! Imagine that you are a grey mullet, who is lucky enough to survive an attack on your shoal by tarpon and blacktip sharks from below and pelicans from above. Write a dramatic diary entry with plenty of description that details your escape. Use figurative language and hyphenated words to display your understanding! (Disclaimer: This piece of work will greatly influence the lockdown star of the week selection).

Reading/spellings: Please ensure you are reading on fiction express everyday! It only takes 5 minutes so there is nooooo excuse! Also be sure to practice your spellings learn their meaning, if you’re not sure, in preparation for your sentences and spelling test!


Ok, so, you’ve researched pizzas, gathered data on the popularity of different pizzas, designed your own pizzas and now it is time to think about packaging. How would you like your pizza to be packaged and displayed in your local supermarket? I would like you to design and label your pizza packaging, and tell me about how sustainable your packaging is and how it is going to attract a consumer! Once you have done that, try physically creating your packaging at home using whatever you can find (cardboard, paper, anything! Have a rummage through the recycling)! Take a picture and send it over to me!


I know some of these computing lessons have been a little bit ‘glitchy’ but we must persevere and show resilience as always! Click here for today’s lesson on video importing and editing and  the accompanying worksheet is here: Importing and editing videos

Please continue to work hard and send me your work via email or class dojo!

Have a great day!

Class 3 home learning 1.2.21

Good morning Class 3! Happy first day of February!


As normal, please start by warming up on TT rockstars,  have a go on garage mode, studio and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then try out daily multiplication tables challenge 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet

Here is today’s worksheet: 4 quadrants

Check your answers using the answer sheet


Today’s grammar focus is hyphens, click here to go to today’s lesson! Please complete the whiteboard challenges and the worksheet.


Please read a chapter on fiction express, complete a quiz and practice your spellings!


Today you will be learning how oxygen is transported around the body! Click here for today’s lesson.


Option 1: Football sports conditioning session

Option 2: Yoga freeze dance game

Option 3: PE with Joe 

Please complete your 2do’s on purple mash!

Email me if you have any questions!

Class 3 home learning 29.1.21

Good morning Class 3! You have made it to Friday! Congratulations! You’ve got your spelling at 10:30 so I would recommend getting one last practice in before hand!


As normal, please start by warming up on TT rockstars,  have a go on garage mode, studio and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then try out daily multiplication tables challenge 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet

Here is today’s worksheet: First quadrant

Check your answers using the answer sheet


Today’s reading comprehension is on the great William Shakespeare, please remember to take your time, all of the information you need to answer the questions is in the text!

When you have completed your comprehension, check your answers, with a grown up if possible, using the answer sheet.

When you have done your comprehension, log on to purple mash and complete the Samantha’s day 2do!

Please also write ten sentences using your spelling words and send them to me by the end of the day!


Complete the next assignment on duolingo all about families! You’ll be fluent by the time we get back to school!


Option 1: Football sports conditioning session

Option 2: Yoga freeze dance game

Option 3: PE with Joe 

If you’re feeling extra energetic, feel free to do all of them!

Email me if you have any problems! Have a great weekend!


Class 3 home learning 28.1.21

Good morning Class 3! It’s meeting day! I’m looking forward to seeing you all at 2pm!


As normal, please start by warming up on TT rockstars,  have a go on garage mode, studio and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then try out daily multiplication tables challenge 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet

Today is your LAST DAY of fractions! So make it a good one!

Here is today’s worksheet: Fraction of an amount

Then check your answers honestly using the answer sheet


The killing of leatherbacks for their meat and the collection of their eggs aren’t the only threats this ancient marine reptile faces. Visit to find out what the top 6 threats to turtles (including leatherbacks) are. Now write a letter of complaint that will draw attention to one of the threats outlined on the site. Who will you address the letter to? What will be your call to action? Don’t forget to use your best formal writing style.


Please practice your spellings and read another chapter on fiction express… don’t forget I can see who is reading and who isn’t!


Click here for today’s RE lesson! Please add the knowledge you gain from today’s lesson to your on-going presentation!


Today’s charanga music lesson is linked to our Geography topic of sustainability, something I know you are all very passionate about. Follow the steps on the right hand side to work through the activities.

Please logon to purple mash when you have finished your lessons and complete your 2do’s.

I’m always available if you need any help! I will see you all at 2pm!

Class 3 home learning 27.1.21

Good morning Class 3! I hope you enjoyed the last of the snow, my garden is sadly back to normal now! If any of you built some amazing snowmen or did anything fun in the snow be sure to send me photos so I can add them to our lockdown wall in school!


As normal, please start by warming up on TT rockstars,  have a go on garage mode, studio and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then try out daily multiplication tables challenge 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet

Here is today’s worksheet: Fraction of an amount

Then check your work honestly using the answer sheet


We are continuing with formal language in English, click here for today’s lesson! Complete the whiteboard challenges and then this follow-up formal writing worksheet.


Please practice your new spellings and read a chapter on fiction express!


Complete today’s Geography lesson on how we produce energy (part 2) followed by the quiz!


Option 1: Just dance workout

Option 2: PE with Joe Wicks

Option 3: Martial arts fitness training

Please complete your 2do’s on purple mash and remember I’m looking for our first lockdown star of the week! 

Email me if you have any questions and I will see you in our teams meeting tomorrow!

Class 3 home learning 26.1.21

Good morning Class 3! I’d just like to apologise if it took me a while to reply to anyone yesterday, I was having some trouble with my internet connection!

Our meeting today is at 2pm, see you there!


As normal, please start by warming up on TT rockstars,  have a go on garage mode, studio and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then try out daily multiplication tables challenge 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet

Here is today’s worksheet: Rules of fractions

Check your answers once you have finished: 12 answers


Watch this clip. Write a question and answer interview with Steve Backshall that could appear in a wildlife magazine. The interview should capture Steve’s excitement after seeing the helicopter’s ‘bird’s eye’ footage of a blue whale.


Please practice your new spellings and read a chapter on fiction express!


Today you will be looking at what makes an effective video! So how can you make your videos/tik toks stand out from the millions of others? These skills might be useful if you are planning on entering the music competition I told you about on Friday! Click here to go to today’s lesson and here is the worksheet: Computing


So by now you should have gathered all of your research and know what the most popular types of pizza are! Your presentation should be shaping up nicely! I’m really looking forward to seeing them. For today, I would like you to come up with 3 different pizza designs. They must be drawn and labelled by hand and each pizza needs a short explanation as to why you have chosen that design. Once you’ve drawn them and labelled them and told me a bit about each one, you can most definitely colour in your pizzas!

I shall see you all at 2pm! Please have your English interview questions ready to share!

Class 3 home learning 25.1.21


As normal, please start by warming up on TT rockstars,  have a go on garage mode, studio and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then try out daily multiplication tables challenge 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet

Here is today’s worksheet: Divide by integers (2)

And then check your answers: Answer sheet


Today we will be learning about formal language and when it should be used! Click here to go to today’s lesson. Please watch the video and read through information, then complete the whiteboard challenges and this worksheet: Formal writing worksheet


Please practice your new spellings and read a chapter on fiction express!


In today’s Science lesson you be learning about human teeth! Here is the worksheet to do after the video: Are all teeth the same?


Option 1: Joe Wicks

Option 2: Yoga with Adriene

Option 3: Boxing training

If you need any help please email me and let me know. I will be happy to contact you on teams to talk through any of the work!

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