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Food fun!


We have been taking part in lots of food activities recently. On Friday we made some pitta pizzas for snack.

Today for Valentine’s Day we have made some chocolates from scratch. They were yummy!

Our Visit to the Library Van.


Yesterday we visited the Shropshire Library Van. We put on our high vis jackets and took our library cards. After a little walk to the van we spent some time looking at all of the different books. We chose one book each! The Dinosaur Who Pooped a Pirate and Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World were vey popular.


We’ve had a busy end of the week. We’ve had lots of stories, some of us brought some in from home to share and we made a lovely (slightly) healthy treat with pastry, strawberries and raspberries. They were delicious!

Birdwatch Week!


Today we made some food for the birds and then some for us! We made some little bird feeders and worked really hard at threading the cheerios! Then this afternoon we made some birds nests for us and did some brilliant counting!

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