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Class 3 home learning tasks 21.4.20

Hello all! I hope you’ve all made a good start to your ‘my family’ project! I will be asking you all to upload or email me photos of your projects on Friday as I would love to see them!

Maths: A bit of roman numeral revision today!

1a Roman Numerals

5a Roman Numerals

9a Roman Numerals


1a Recognising Parenthesis

5a Recognising Parenthesis

9a Recognising Parenthesis

French: Most of you have been completing the assigned work on duolingo so well done you! If you are yet to login, please do so and complete the assignments you have been given.

Please continue with your weekly programme from yesterday! I look forward to seeing them, completed, on Friday!

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me via email or class dojo!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 20.4.20

Good morning Class 3 and welcome back to online learning! I hope you’ve had a great Easter break and have consumed many Easter eggs!

As it is currently unclear how much longer lock-down is going to go on for, I am going to take a ‘project’ approach to online learning. You will still be set a maths and english task each day, along with a themed project that will last the entire week. The learning project PDF also has suggestions for maths, english, reading and spelling activities that I would like to work through throughout the week.

Maths: So, if you can remember all the way back to before the Easter holidays, the last activity you completed was based around the rules of algebra, you may wish to have a quick look at the last worksheet before you tackle this one!

1a Pairs of Values

5a. Pairs of Values

9a Pairs of Values


1a Recognising parenthesis

5a Recognising parenthesis

9a Recognising parenthesis

Weekly learning project: This week you will be learning about your family! This might be something you could do with siblings, parents or grandparents! Please record your project in your blue exercise books as best as possible, I realise some aspects may need to be done on paper and share any photos of your work via class dojo!

My family – Learning project

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email or class dojo.

Have a great day!

Miss France

Easter recommendations

Hi Class 3! I hope you’re enjoying the Easter holidays so far! If you are struggling with what to do with yourself during the Easter break, I may have just the thing…

J.K Rowling has launched a new website through Wizard World called ‘Harry Potter at Home’ which has lots of activities, quizzes and fun things to fill your time. You can even access an audio-book of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone for FREE!

So, if you can bare to drag yourself away from TikTok for a few minutes, have a look at all the fab stuff on this brilliant website!

Happy Easter!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 03.04.20

Good morning Class 3! You’ve made it through week 2 of home learning and social distancing, well done you!

Maths: Today you will be calculating the value of algebraic equations. We were half way through the algebra module in class before the school closures so it may be worth starting on 1a to familiarise yourself with the rules of algebra and then working up to your desired level.

Pairs of values 1a

Pairs of values 5a

Pairs of values 9a


Fronted adverbials 1a

Fronted adverbials 5a

Fronted adverbials 9a

Science: Using all of your new found knowledge of tigers, I would like you to write a formal, informative letter to ME, explaining why the world needs and what is causing their numbers to decline! I am happy for you to either type or hand-write your letters and then if you could add them to your portfolio’s on class dojo so I can read them, that would be greatly appreciated!

Informative tiger letter 1

Informative tiger letter 2

Informative tiger letter 3

Informative tiger letter 4

Carry on doing what you’re doing guys!

Miss France


Class 3 home learning tasks 02.04.20

Good morning Class 3!

Maths: Today is reasoning day!

Fraction of an amount 1a

Fraction of an amount 5a

Fraction of an amount 9a


Fronted Adverbials 1a

Fronted Adverbials 5a

Fronted Adverbials 9a

Science: Continuing with this weeks theme of tigers, you will be using the resources from Monday and Tuesday to have a go at some creative writing!

Tiger creative writing

Tiger creative writing page 2

Tiger creative writing page 3

Tiger creative writing page 4

Daily walk activity:

Keep sharing your work! Have a great day!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 01.04.20

Hello and good morning Class 3!


Fractions of an amount 1a

Fractions of an amount 5a

Fraction of an amount 9a

Here is a useful video to remind you how to calculate a fraction of an amount! Remember, if you are finding the questions too difficult, you can always try a different set of questions first to help you get used to the process!

English: Today’s activity is based around an image. There are some questions attached that I would like you to answer in your blue exercise books.

World Travel Image

World Travel Activity

Science/Art: Continuing with our theme of tigers, I would like you to design a tiger mask. Be as creative as possible, using whatever you have available at home (paint/crayons/collage etc).

Tiger mask template

Tiger Activities

Daily walk activity: 

Please continue to share your pictures with me on class dojo so I can see what you’ve been up to!

Continue with: CGP books, P.E with Joe, Purple mash, TT Rockstars, Duolingo, Charanga, home learning packs.

Have a great day!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 31.3.20

Hello Class 3!

Maths: Today you’ll be answering reasoning questions linked to yesterdays learning!

Quadrants 1a

Quadrants 5a

Quadrants 9a


Passive Verbs 1a

Passive Verbs 5a

Passive Verbs 9a

Science: Following on from the adaptation activities that you have been assigned on purple mash, I have attached an activity about tigers for you to complete using a resource from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). You are required to read the information and then fill in the blanks using your new knowledge. There will be additional activities linked to tigers throughout the week.

Tiger Facts Tigers Q&A Tigers Info Threats facing tigers Helping tigers

Fill in the blanks activity

Geography/Design: Following on from yesterdays island activity you can now create a national identity for your island, including a national anthem and a flag!

Lesson Instructions

Creating a National Identity Activity Sheet

Carry on with purple mash, CGP books and all the other logins you have been given!

Please share anything you’ve been up to on class dojo as I’d love to see how you’re all getting on!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 30.3.20

Good morning everyone! Welcome to week 2 of home learning!

Maths: Today’s task is on quadrants and co-ordinates!

Quadrants 1a

Quadrants 5a

Quadrants 9a


Passive Verbs 1a

Passive Verbs 5a

Passive Verbs 9a

Geography/Design Activity: This week you will be working on a project based around the discovery of a new and exciting island! Today you will be choosing the location of your island either using an atlas or google maps. I have attached further instructions for this task and the worksheets you are required to complete! If you don’t have access to a printer please just do the written work in your blue exercise books.

Island Discovery Instructions

Island Design Sheet

Hopefully you have all been able to get out of the house for some form of exercise each day. With this in mind I have attached an activity you could do one your daily walk! Please share any pictures of your activities and work on class dojo!

Please continue working through your CGP books, completing the activities on purple mash, TT Rockstars, fiction express, duolingo and of course continue with P.E with Joe every morning!

Have a brilliant day! I hope you are all working hard and helping around the house!

Miss France


Class 3 home learning tasks 27.3.20

Good morning! You’ve made it through the first week of home learning! Go you!


F-D 1a

F-D 5a

F-D 9a


WC 1a

WC 5a

WC 9a

Reading: I’ve had some great feedback from the David Walliams activity and seen some brilliant pieces of artwork! So today I would like you to have a go at another one of his short stories (you may need headphones if there are others in the room)! Listen to the story, write a short summary and then draw an illustration of your favourite part of the story. Once you’ve done that I have attached some instructions on how to draw like Tony Ross so have a go at drawing some animals you might recognise from some of David Walliams’ well known stories.

How to draw like Tony Ross

I know that dinosaurs are quite popular with the class, so here’s a quiz to test your knowledge!

Please continue with your CGP books and P.E with Joe.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Have a fantastic day and a restful weekend in the sun!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning 26.3.20

Good morning everyone! I hope you’re making the most of this amazing weather by spending time in your garden.

Maths: Today’s activity consists of converting fractions into decimals.

F – D 1a

F – D 5a

F – D 9a

English: The english activity today is based around classifying words. If you wizz through your activity then please have a go at the next worksheet. So for example, if you complete 5a with ease then challenge yourself and have a go at 9a.

Word Class 1a

Word Class 5a

Word Class 9a

Reading: Please read chapter 1 of e-book Giraffes of Whispering Wood by Joshua Davidson and answer the attached comprehension questions.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Questions

Music: I have created logins for each of the children to access an online music resource called Charanga. I have attached the logins for you to access. If you have any problems accessing the website please message or email me. Once you have logged in, I have assigned a music lesson package called “Plastic”. Please complete some listening and appraising activities (headphones may be necessary)!

Charanga Logins

Please ensure your CGP books are still being completed daily and any work you are proud of please upload to Class Dojo! I hope P.E with Joe has become a part of your daily routine!

Enjoy your day!

Miss France


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