Class 1 Home learning -Tuesday 5th May

Today’s activities are:


Phonics – Watch the learning video on dojos then complete the phonics game on purple mash ar or

English- Play the ‘what am I’ description game on this power point. Minibeasts-What-Am-I-Interactive-Powerpoint-Game

Then Draw and write about one of the minibeasts in the quiz in your yellow book. What information can you remember?

Maths – Watch the 2 learning videos on this link.       

Then complete the minibeast subtractions. You can either print this sheet out or just do the subtractions in your yellow book. minibeast-themed-subtraction_to 10

Year 1:

Phonics – Complete the phonics activities on the slide show on purple mash.

English – Complete the ‘quiz’ and ‘joining words’ games on purple mash relating to chapter 2 of Anna and the 3rd lead.

Maths – Watch the 2 learning videos on this link.   

Then complete the answers to these fact families questions in your yellow book. Please take a photo to show me on dojos. Addition and subtraction fact families

Year 2:

Phonics – Watch the learning power point to focus on ‘there their they’re’ homophones homophones There-Their-and-Theyre–PowerPoint_ver_1 (1)

Then, in your yellow book,  write out the sentences on this sheet using the correct word to fill the gaps. Homophones-Practice-Activity-Sheet-Theyre-There-Their

English – Complete the activities relating to chapter 3 of Ned and the detectives. You can either print the sheets out or write the answers in full sentences in your yellow book.Ned and the detectives ch3 activities__

Maths: Watch the learning video about comparing number sentences using maths symbols.

Then complete the maths games on this link.

Home Learning Tasks Monday 4th May

Good morning class 2,

I hope you have had a good weekend? Mrs Williams is hoping to collect some examples of work or activities that you have been completing at home as part of your home learning. Some of you have already sent me some lovely photographs of things that you have ben doing but I was hoping that this week that you would be able to send me some more? You can send them directly through class dojo, or you can e mail them to Hinstock. I look forward to seeing what you have been doing!  Here are today’s tasks:


For your warm up today can you try this problem:

Here are today’s White Rose materials. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below.
Year 3 – Summer term w/c 4th May Lesson 1- Convert pounds and pence
Year 4 -Summer term w/c 4th May Lesson 1 – Multiply 2 digit by 1 digit number
Year 5 -Summer term w/c 4th May Lesson 1 – Multiply 2 digit numbers.

Year 3-Lesson-1-Convert-pounds-and-pence


Year 5-Lesson-1-Multiply-2-digits-area-model


Could you please ask someone in your house to test you on last week’s spellings?

This week you are going to develop a family tree. Over the next two days, I will ask you to interview a family member or members, create a short biography or description about a family member and to present your family tree (back to 4 generations – your great grandparents)  in an interesting way.

Today in English, I would like you to prepare an interview with a family member. You will carry out your interview tomorrow. Think about who you could interview. If they don’t live in the same house as you perhaps you could arrange an interview via skype or facetime? Try to think about an interesting period of history that they lived through. Your interview could ask them questions about that. Try to plan at least ten questions to ask them but you may find that you want to ask more. You can watch the video below for some ideas.



Can you design and build a boat using materials in your house? Don’t worry too much about the exact equipment you need. You could use any container that you think would be suitable. You can either print the sheet below, or just draw a picture straight into your book. Could you please try to label the force of upthrust and gravity on your drawing and then describe two improvements that you could make to your boat if you were to make your boat again.

Science boat enquiry

Something else?

Try to listen to this podcast from David Walliams about Mozart, there are some questions to answer as you are listening.

David Walliams’ Marvellous Musical Podcast

David Walliams’ Marvellous Musical Podcast

Home learning – 01.05.20

Morning!  It’s May Day today.  Here are your home learning tasks for today.


English: Draw a map of your zoo and label it.

Maths: Have a go at this animal tally chart. tally

Science: t-t-8917-science-experiments-at-home-_ver_3 Try to have a go at the Fireworks in a Glass experiment. Let me know how you get on!

Year One

English: Write a non-fiction report about your zoo animal. Remember to include an interesting fact.

Maths: birdwatch Have a go at this tally chart. You could also record what birds you see in your garden over a period of time and make a graph of this.

Science: t-t-8917-science-experiments-at-home-_ver_3 Try to have a go at the Fireworks in a Glass experiment. Of course you can try any of the others if you have the ingredients too. Let me know how you get on!

Year Two

English: Write a non-fiction report about your zoo animal. Remember to include an interesting fact.

Maths: birdwatch Have a go at this tally chart. You could also record what birds you see in your garden over a period of time and make a graph of this.

Science: Try to have a go at the Fireworks in a Glass experiment. Of course you can try any of the others if you have the ingredients too. Let me know how you get on!

Home Learning Tasks Wednesday 29th April

Good morning Class 2,

Here are today’s tasks. Below you will find two of the video clips that I would like you to look at but you will need to click on the BBC link to find the third. Have a lovely day.


Can you practice telling the time for your warm up?

Bronze – Telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes using the 12hr clock.

Silver – Telling the time to the nearest minute using the 12hr clock.

Gold – Telling the time to the nearest minute using the 24hr clock.

Here are today’s White Rose materials. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below.
Year 3 – Summer term w/c 27th April Lesson 3- Problem Solving
Year 4 -Summer term w/c 27th April Lesson 3 – Pounds and pence
Year 5 -Summer term w/c 27th April Lesson 3 – Adding decimal with a different number of decimal places.

Year 3- Lesson-3-Problem-Solving

Year4-Lesson 3 -Pounds-and-pence

Year 5- Lesson 3-Adding-decimals-with-a-different-number-of-decimal-places

English and Topic

Watch the following three videos


CBBC – A child’s perspective.


Can you write about the sinking of the Titanic from the perspective of someone aboard the ship?

English -titanic-sinking- perspective


Who was responsible for the sinking of the Titanic? Read the role that different people may have played in the disaster. Can you then rank their responsibility using a diamond 9? The person who is the most responsible s placed at the top and then the rest are ranked accordingly.

Something Else?

Obstacle Course Challenge: Your challenge is to create a garden assault course for a member of your family.

The rules –

• The course must include a travel over, under, through and between something!

• The course must include a balance

• The course can include a swing, roll or limbo

• You could write or draw some instructions showing how to complete your assault course.

Home Learning Tasks Tuesday 28th April

Hi Class 2,

I am glad that some of you managed to complete the computing task on purple mash yesterday? I know you have a really good understanding of e safety so some of you were able to offer really good advice. If you haven’t managed to look at it yet, it will be available for you to complete until Friday. Here are today’s tasks.


For your warm up can you try this fraction matching game.  I suggest that year 3 work on level 1, year 4 on level 2 and year 5 on level 3. If you find it too easy, try the level above. If you find it difficult, start with a fraction you know. Remember to look carefully at the denominator (the total number) and the numerator (the number that you have).

We will be working from the White Rose materials again. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below.
Year 3 – Summer term w/c 27th April Lesson 2- Subtract Fractions
Year 4 -Summer term w/c 27th April Lesson 2 – Halves and quarters
Year 5 -Summer term w/c 27th April Lesson 2 – Subtracting Decimals with the same number of decimal places.

Year 3-Lesson 2-Subtract-fractions

Year 4- Lesson 2-Halves-and-quarters-

Year 5- Lesson 2- Subtracting-decimals-with-the-same-number-of-decimal-places


Year 3

Can you watch the video from BBC bitesize explaining what prepositions are.

There is an activity to complete under the video. Once that is complete, I have set you a 2do on purple mash called Bella and the farm.

Year 4

Can you watch the videos from BBC bitesize about proper nouns and pronouns.

Can you then complete activity 1 from the BBC site. Once you have finished that, there is a 2do for you to complete on purple mash called past and present.

Year 5

Watch the BBC bitesize video on how to use brackets for parenthesis. There is a short activity for you to complete underneath.

You can also sing along to this video!   Once you have watched those videos there is 2do for you to complete on Purple Mash called story snaps.


Take a virtual tour of The Titanic. I found it easier to navigate using the menu at the bottom of the page to look at each part of the ship. You can also move across the ship with your mouse. Once you have had a look at that, can you fill in the diagram of the cross section of the Titanic which you should have in your learning packs.

Something Else?

Try some origami. Below find the link for instructions on how to make a butterfly and a frog.



Class 1 – Home learning tasks Monday 27th April 2020

Good morning everyone welcome to a new week.

Your home learning tasks for today are:

Reception :

Phonics – Watch the phonics learning video on dojos class story (pause the video to allow your child to answer questions if necessary) then complete the game on purple mash ai ee

Maths – Enter ‘MiniMash’, click on ‘numbers and counting’ click on ‘Maths city 1’ click on the ‘school playground’ complete the games and activities in there. Click on the ? for instructions once you are in each game.

English – Talking stories, Read and complete activities for ‘Sally’s Seaside Adventure’

Art: Natural collage, see purple mash for instructions.

Year 1:

Phonics – Watch the phonics learning video on dojos class story (pause the video to allow your child to answer questions if necessary) then complete the game on purple mash oe au ey

Maths: Firstly Draw Tally’s in your yellow book for these numbers 5  8  15  19  20   25  27  practice counting in 5’s and adding the remainder to check your work. Then complete tally and tables activities on purple mash.

English – Talking stories, Read and complete activities for ‘Sally’s Seaside Adventure’

Art: Natural collage, see purple mash for instructions.

Year 2:

Phonics – Complete the game on purple mash for alternative spellings for er ea ou.

Maths: Firstly Draw Tally’s in your yellow book for these numbers 8 19   21  27   31 42 56   practice counting in 5’s and adding the remainder to check your work. Then complete graph questions chart on purple mash.

English – Read ‘Ned The Detectives’ Chapter 2

Art: Natural collage, see purple mash for instructions.



Home Learning Tasks Monday 27th April

Good morning class 2.

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and managed to spend some time outside in the lovely weather that we have had? Here are today’s tasks.

Can you choose on of the warm ups below? Try to spend 10 – 15 minutes completing the activity.


Silver – Can you work on doubling and halving?


We will be working from the White Rose materials again. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below.
Year 3 – Summer term w/c 27th April Lesson 1 – Add Fractions
Year 4 -Summer term w/c 27th April Lesson 1 – Round Decimals
Year 5 -Summer term w/c 27th April Lesson 1 – Adding Decimals with the same number of decimal places.
Year 3 – Lesson-1 – Add Fractions

Year 4 Lesson-1-Round-decimals

Year 5 – Lesson1-Adding-decimals-with-the-same-number-of-decimal-places


To start with, could you please ask someone in your house to test you on last week’s spellings? You should find this weeks spelling under the spelling tab.

I hope you have all been enjoying the books that I have given you to read? Today’s task is to write a description of one of the characters in your book. This could be a favourite character, a character you find funny or a character that you think you would enjoy describing. Please click the link below for more details.

Character Description Writing Task (1)


In your pack, you should find a map. Can you plot the journey that the Titanic took? Try to use this website to help you.

Something Else?

Can you complete the task confidential information on purple mash? Aimee needs some help with the personal profile she has created. What advice can you give her?





Class 3 home learning tasks 24.4.20

And just like that, it’s Friday again! Well done on completing another week of home learning! Hopefully you all managed to watch the Bookfest film and saw the Cheswardine winners and those who got a mention! If you haven’t watched it yet, I won’t spoil it, but well done to all of you, the artwork and letters you submitted truly were brilliant!


1a Multi-step Questions

5a Multi-step Questions

9a Multi-step Questions

English: Please try this reading activity on BBC Bitesize:

PSHE: I thought this lesson might be beneficial for anyone unsure on what to expect next year at Secondary School.

Weekly Project: Today is the day for you to show me what you’ve been working on! Please send pictures/work to me via Class Dojo.

I am available in Hinstock today if you wish to speak to me about any concern or have any questions. I will be ringing the children who are flagging up as a concern due to not engaging with home learning.

Have a super weekend!

Miss France

Home Learning Tasks Wednesday 22nd April

Good morning Class 2,

I hope that you enjoyed some of the drawing activities that you completed yesterday? If any of you enjoyed following the illustrator Rob Biddulph, he has a youtube channel with many more illustrations you could have a got at? Here are today’s tasks.


Can you please try to complete this times tables check. You can try whichever level you feel confident with. It may tell you which times tables you need more practise with.

We will continue to work from the White Rose materials. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below.
Year 3 – Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 3 – Compare Fractions
Year 4 -Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 3 – Compare Decimals
Year 5 -Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 3 – Complements to 1


Year 3 Lesson-3- Compare-fractions

Year 4 Lesson-3- Compare decimals

Year 5 Lesson-3- Complements to 1


Can you write a diary entry, imagining that you are a passenger that has just boarded the Titanic? Have a look at the BBC bitesize Titanic webpage. It will give you more of an idea about what life was like for the different class of passengers.Try to think about:

What type of passenger you are – first class or third class?

Using a range of vocabulary to describe the atmosphere as you boarded. Can you use the five senses?

Using metaphors and similes to describe what the great crowds of people looked like.

Using the facts that you have learnt about – what were the cabins like? what did the first and third class passengers look like?

Describing emotions can you use show not tell?

To help you get some ideas, here are two diary examples.

Titanic diary example

You can also use the following word bank.


In your pack you should have a ticket for a passenger who boarded the Titanic. Can you research the passenger and write a short paragraph about them? Everybody’s passenger will be different but your ticket should look like this.

Something Else?

Can you think of a time when you did something that challenged you. watch the video clip below and then discuss it with someone at home.


Home Learning Tasks Tuesday 21st April

Hello Class 2,

I hope you enjoyed your first day of the summer term? Here are today’s activities.


Could you please spend 10-15 minutes on times table rock stars.

We will continue to work from the White Rose materials. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below.
Year 3 – Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 2  – Equivalent Fractions
Year 4 -Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 2 – Write Decimals
Year 5 -Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 2 – Subtracting Decimals within 1

The activities.

Lesson-2-Year 3 Equivalent Fractions

Lesson-2-Year 4 Write Decimals

Lesson-2-Year 5 Decimals within 1


Today we will complete a grammar focused task. Please watch the video clips from the BBC explain a bit more about the focus.

Year 3 – nouns and verbs

Year 3 BBC video clip nouns

Year 3 BBC video clip verbs

Year 4 and 5 -noun phrases

Year 4-5 BBC video clip


Look at Source a and b. These are images of the Titanic’s cabins in 1st and 3rd class.
• Compare the two types of accommodation shown here. Write three sentences to describe the differences.
• What does this tell you about differences between rich and poor at that time?
• Which of these cabins would you have preferred to stay in? Give your reasons why.



Can you research how the lives may have been different for first and third class passengers. In your home learning packs you should see the outline of a man and a woman. Can you draw what a first class and third class passenger may have worn?

Figure outline

Something else?

Watch the two videos below and try and draw like children’s book author and illustrator Rob Biddulph.