
Goldstone Federation Governance and Collective Vision Trust.


Following consideration of the public’s consultation responses and a Governing Body vote taken on the 14th November 2019, the Governors of Hinstock Primary and Cheswardine Primary Schools became Goldstone Federation with effect from 5th December 2019.

From 1st May 2024 Cheswardine and Hinstock Primary Schools then converted to academy status and Goldstone Federation became a part of Collective Vision Trust, after due consultation and diligence. Governance now continues through the Trust and our school governors are now part of the Trust as a Local Governor Committee.

Goldstone Federation Local Governor Committee:

Mike Pound – Chair of Governors / Parent Governor

Neil Bentley – Vice Chair / Local Authority Governor

Rachael Williams – Executive Headteacher

John Lutner – Co-opted Governor

Helen Williams – Co-opted Governor

Rachel Richards – Co-opted Governor

Alice Harrison – Parent Governor


  • As Governors we give our time to take responsibility for the organisation and management of  Goldstone Federation.
  • We believe strongly in achieving the very best education for your children.
  • Each Governor takes a special interest in key aspects of each school.
  • We formally meet once every term and the minutes are available for parents to read. on request.


Details on our new Trust Structure to Governance and the Local Governing Committee can be read here:

CVT Governance Structure, Roles, Responsibility and Scheme of Delegation

Information on GF LGC on members 2023-24

Pecuniary Interests Goldstone Federation 2024 25

LGC Minutes are available on request from the school office. Contact