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Home Learning – 25.02.21

Good morning. Here are your home learning tasks for today.

Lets start by sharing a story. See what happens when Mr Gumpy decides to take his car out for a ride!  Listen to it with your grown-up and get them to ask you some questions about the story after you have listened to it.



Reception – Today we are looking at reading CVCC words.

eyfs phonics

Years One/Two – yesterday we looked at putting _s on the end of words to make them plural.  Let’s see how much you have remembered today!





Reception – Let’s start by reading Mouse Count and then have a go at the game I’ve attached.

Counters game

Years One/Two – today we are measuring in non-standard units. Remember that whatever you use to measure with, it MUST be the same, you can’t mix objects up!

I would like you to find four objects in your house and measure them using a non-standard unit.  These could be bricks, paper clips or tin cans but they must be the same size each time.  Estimate, or guess, how long each item will be and then measure your item to see if you are correct. Remember to measure carefully.

measuring thurs


Whole class – We are carrying on our Bookfest work today. Yesterday you found out about our special author Mo O’Hara.  I learnt lots of interesting facts about her from your research. Watch the videos below to find out what your special Bookfest task is for today.

Eyfs worksheet

eyfs thurs

Years One/Two worksheet

ks1 thurs

Screen-free time

Here are some more activities to give you some ideas for fun, screen-free things to do this afternoon. Don’t forget to share them with me on Class Dojo!

Non-screen activities

Home Learning – 24.02.21

Good morning everyone. I hope you had a lovely week off from school and are ready for lots more learning with our new Flight topic for this half term? Here is today’s home learning.


Reception – Teams meeting with Mrs Whitehouse at 9:15am

Years One/Two – Teams meeting with Mrs Bickerstaffe at 9:15am


Reception – lets start with a numbers story – How do Dinosaurs count to Ten?

Can you count to ten?  Grab some blocks (if you have any) and see if you can make a tower of ten of them.  Can you find different sized blocks to make a taller tower, or a shorter tower?  How many blocks do you have in different colours? What is the tallest tower you can possibly make? Remember you don’t have to use building blocks but anything that can stack safely on top of each other!

Years One/Two– today we are looking at both length and height. Watch the videos below and then have a go at the worksheets I’ve added. (Bonus dojo points if you can spot the spelling error)!

Year One worksheet


Year Two worksheet

year 2 wed


Whole Class – This week we are going to be starting our Bookfest work that I mentioned last half term.  Today we are going to be learning more about our author Mo O’Hara.  Use the attached sheet as a template and try to find out more about her using the internet.  I wonder if you will find out any interesting facts about her life?

author fact file


Our topic for this half term is Down in the Garden.

Reception – label a flower and a tree. Use the worksheets below to help you or draw your own flower and tree.

label flower eyfs

eyfs tree

Years One/Two – today I would like you to draw a labelled diagram of a plant and a tree including a detailed picture of the leaf growing on it. Make sure you use the right colours for your illustrations and draw straight lines from each part for your labels.

Guided Reading

Reception – today’s book is Spots. Have a go at the activities linked to the book when you have finished reading. This is quite a long book so read half of it today and do activity one, and then read the second half tomorrow.

Year One – today’s book is Everyone Got Wet. Read through the text and then have a go at the activities. This is quite a long book so read half of it today and do activity one, and then read the second half tomorrow.

Year Two – today’s book is The Big Breakfast. Read through the text and then have a go at the activities. This is quite a long book so read half of it today and do activity one, and then read the second half tomorrow.

Class One – Home Learning – Tuesday 23rd February

Good Morning Class One

Here are your activities for today:

TEAMS Meeting schedule: We have a Guided Reading Lesson today. Your group allocation will be on your email invitation. Please join me at:

Group 1: 9.15am

Group 2: 9.45am

Group 3: 10:15am

ENGLISH:  Imagine we are going to go here on a holiday! We need to fly on a plane to get there.

(Here is a link to a clearer picture)

Reception: What shall we pack? Can you write a list of all the things you would like to pack in your suitcase for our holiday. You can use this template if you want to. Don’t forget to name your suitcase.

suitcase template

Year 1&2: You need to convince your parents to let you go. Describe what it is like there and why you really want to go.

Your writing could include:

What it looks like there.

What activities you will be able to do there.

Persuasive words to convince your parents it would be a good idea.

And not forgetting to check your writing success criteria:


Reception: First let’s recap all of phase 3.

Now head over to purple mash to complete your reading sentences activity there.


Year 1&2:

First let’s recap some phase 5 graphemes and complete the labelling sheet. You can use the pdf writing tools on screen and send a photo to dojos if you prefer not to print it out.

phase 5 picture labelling


Now head over to purple mash to do your quick write sentences activity.



Let’s recap counting back from 10.


Now complete the maths sheet -i-spy-number-9-and-10-activity-sheet-_ver_1


Year 1 & 2: To start with here is a flash back card to help you remember previously learnt skills and consolidate your learning. You can simply write down the answers to the 4 questions and send me a photo.


Now complete the following questions.  Don’t forget you can use the onscreen tools to write on screen and send a photo if that’s easier. I did a demo video on how to do this yesterday.

comparing lengths and height


Year 1&2 Click on the link to Play ‘spell tricky words’


DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY: We will begin this unit by exploring objects that can fly.

R – Draw and label objects that can fly.

Y1&2 Draw and label objects that can fly. Put into two groups labelled living and non living.








Class One – Home Learning – Monday 22nd February

Good Morning Class One

Welcome back everyone. I hope you’ve had a good half term and fingers crossed we will be back in the classroom together soon.

Now we are beginning the second half of the spring term we are starting an exciting new topic all about ‘The Wright Brothers and Flight’

Here are your activities for today:

TEAMS Meeting schedule: We have a finger gym exercise and handwriting session today so you will just need something to write with. (I will try to do this at school but if that fails I will reschedule for the afternoon once I’m home)

Reception: 9.15am

Year 1 & 2: 9.45am


ENGLISH: First let’s listen to this book ‘Amazing Airplanes’

Have you ever been on an aeroplane?

If you have, please can you write and tell me all about your experience.

You could include some or all of the following information:

Where did you travel to and why? Who did you travel with? Describe what the aeroplane was like? What did you do while you were on the plane? Did you enjoy your plane journey? What was the best bit and why?

If you haven’t been on an aeroplane could you write and tell me where you would like to travel to on a plane and why? Who would you travel with? What do you think it will be like at the airport and on the plane? What would your ideal meal be on the plane?

Don’t forget your writing Success criteria:



Now head over to purple mash for your reading activity. Here is a demonstration video to show you how to use the record button on purple mash.

Year 1&2:

First is a phase 5 recap activity to help secure knowledge of phase 5.

phase 5 recap page 1


Now head over to purple mash for an activity set there. Please see the demonstration video above on ‘How to use the record button’




Year 1&2 Click on the link to Play ‘same sound different spelling’




First join in with the song to recap counting in 2’s.


Year 1 & 2 To start with here is a flash back card to help you remember previously learnt skills and consolidate your learning. You can simply write down the answers to the 4 questions and send me a photo.

Year 1 & 2:


Year 1 Collect a spoon and find 3 things that are shorter and 3 things that are longer. Draw your spoon and these objects next to it showing their length in relation to the spoon. I.e the shorter objects needs to be draw shorter than the spoon and the longer things need to be drawn longer. Please can you label which item is the longest and which is the shortest.

Now complete the activity on purple mash.

Year 2:


Now complete the questions.

Y2 Maths measures Mon 22nd



Reception: Read ‘The toys party’

Year 1: Read ‘The scarf’ This is quite a long book so you can read it over Monday and Tuesday.

Year 2: Read ‘Our class tiger’ This is quite a long book so you can read it over Monday and Tuesday.




Year 1&2 Spellings:

Here are your spellings to practise daily for a test on Friday.

Group 1: peacocks  trays  planes  foxes  shouts  watches

Group 2: quick  quiz  quack  quit  queen





Home Learning – 12.02.21

Good morning, it’s the last day of term so please join me at 12 for a Teams picnic party and fun session with everybody.


Reception – Mrs Whitehouse will be arranging a session with you on Teams so look out for your invitation.

Years One/Two – please do a spelling test with your grown-up of this week’s words and let me know your score over on Class Dojo.


Reception – lets continue counting in 2s today. Can you pair up the aliens? A group of two things the same is called a pair.



Years One/Two – we are continuing to count in 2s and 5s today, but lets look at using the x symbol for multiplication.  Watch Dave and Multiplication Boy show you how and then try my worksheets.–ks2-what-is-multiplication/z68fbdm

maths friday


Reception – Goldilocks would like to invite the Three Bears to a birthday party. Can you make the invitation for her to send?  It needs to have a title, their names on it, what food they will be eating and what games they will play – you can draw these and try to label them.

Years One/Two – Read my letter from Goldilocks and write her a reply. Remember to use full sentences and capital letters for names please.

Goldilocks letter


How and why do we celebrate Eid al-Fitr? Find out a little more about Eid by watching the videos below.

Whole Class – have a go at these activities




Year Two – have a go at this comprehension about Eid.

Celebrating Eid al-Fitr middle ability

Story Time

Let’s share a book together. This is one of my favourite stories.


I hope you have a lovely half-term and I’ll see you all soon.


Home Learning – 11.02.21

Good morning everyone.  It was lovely to see you on Teams yesterday.  Hopefully we can finish off the stories that we started yesterday. Teams will be at 10:30 for Reception, 10:50 for Year One and 11:15 for Year Two.

Our shared story for today is There’s a Tiger in the Garden


Reception – we are learning a new phoneme ow. Can you write ow up in the air and on your whiteboard?

Play Buried Treasure (phase 3, ow). How many of these words can you read and are they treasure or junk? The login details are on Class Dojo if you need them.

Can you read my sentences?

ow sentences

Years One/Two – we are looking at alternative spellings for n or ng. Can you have a go at spelling my sentences? Get your grown-up to read them out to you as you write them down.

ng sentences.


Reception – we are continuing to count in 2s today. Watch my powerpoint to remind you of this.


Can you make a washing line of pairs of socks and count them? You could use a real washing line and real socks or you could draw these in your home learning book.  How many pairs can you count altogether?

Years One/Two – we are continuing to count in 5s. Watch today’s video then complete the worksheet. Remember if you are counting in 5s your answer will always end in a zero or five.


Guided Reading – see above for times


Reception – today I would like you to act out the story of Golidlocks and the Three Bears to your grown-up.   You could use some of your toys at home, or you could use the puppets that I have attached below to colour in and cut out.  Don’t forget to add the voices like I did when I read the story to you!!!


Years One/Two – Today I would like you to describe the characters of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  Use the attached sheets to help you. Remember to use great adjectives to describe your bears. Year One I would like at least 3 sentences for each character please.  Year Two I would like 5 sentences for each character. Remember to use a capital letter, finger spaces and full stops in your writing and that names begin with a capital letter.


Screen-Free Afternoon

Today is another screen-free afternoon session. Below are 100 different activities to give you some ideas of what you might like to spend the afternoon doing.  Don’t forget to let me know what you get up to and have fun!



Home Learning – 10.02.21

Good morning.  Welcome to the final week of schooling before we break up for half-term.  Today our Teams meetings will be a Guided Reading session at 2:00 for Reception, 2:20 for Year One and 2:45 for Year Two.


Reception – today we are learning a new phoneme – ur.

Can you put the soundbuttons on my words?

ur soundbuttons

Now try sounding and blending my sentences:

ur sentences

Years One/Two – today we are looking at alternative spellings for the ow phoneme. Have a look at the phoneme spotter sheet and see if you can find all of the ow sounding words.  There are 20 to find (I think)!



Reception – we are counting in 2s this week. See if you can count the pairs and say how many there are.

count in 2s

Years One/Two – today we are learning to count in 5s. Remember when we count in 5s, the numbers always end in a zero or five.

Year One – have a go at the worksheet below then head over to Purple Mash for the exercise I have set you on there.


Year Two – have a go at the worksheet below then head over to Purple Mash for the exercise I have set you on there.

count in 5s


Reception – what would Goldilocks say?  Can you think of a sentence and write it for me with a picture of Goldilocks?  Now what would each of the three bears say?  It could be something that they say in the story or something else.  Draw a picture of each of the bears and write what they are saying.

Years One/Two – create a Wanted poster for Goldilocks over on Purple Mash. Please use the word bank on the left to show you what you need to include in the task, your grown-up can help you to read it if you are unsure.


Let’s start our Science lesson with a five minute warm-up with Joe Wicks.

Reception – head over to Purple Mash and create a healthy meal for me to eat.

Years One/Two – This half term we have been looking at healthy eating.  Let’s see how much you have learnt with a quiz that I have set for you over on Purple Mash. Can you also create me a poster on what humans need.  Remember the three basic needs we looked at at the beginning of the unit plus other things like food and exercise.  Make it bright and colourful with a title and illustrations.


Sharing a book is an important thing to do. Let’s listen to this one together. After you have listened to the book with your grown-up, get them to ask you some questions about the story.


Class One – Home Learning – Tuesday 9th February

Good Morning Class One

Here are your activities for today:

TEAMS Meeting schedule: We have guided reading today

Year 2: 9.15am

Year 1: 9.45am

Reception: 10.15am


Reception: First let’s re-cap some of those phase 3 sounds we’ve learnt so far.

Now read the two syllable words and match the correct picture. Two syllable words. Read and match

Year 1&2

Now complete the activity. Alternative n sheet


Reception: 2 sentences.

Year 1: 4 sentences.

Year 2: 6 sentences.

Don’t forget your success criteria year 1 and 2. Here is a picture to remind you.


Let’s warm up with a counting song.



Now head over to purple mash for the activity I have set.


Year 1&2:


Now complete the questions.


Year 1&2 Click on the link to Play ‘sight words’

ART: Drawing

Class One Home Learning – Monday 8th February

Good Morning Class One

Welcome to week 6 of home learning, the last week of the half term. We know it’s not the same as school but you’re doing really well so keep up the hard work, it will pay off in the end.

Here are your activities for today:

TEAMS Meeting schedule: We have a dough disco and handwriting session today so you will need something to write with and your playdough or cotton wool.

Reception: 1pm

Year 1 & 2: 1.30pm



Now head over to purple mash for a phonics game.

Year 1&2: You will need something to write with.



Year 1&2:


Then head over to purple mash to complete the activity I have set you there.



Year 1&2:

Improving simple sentences.

Now complete your own sentences.

Year 1 – Y1 improving simple sentences

Year 2 – Y2 Improving simple sentences.



Reception: Read ‘Dad can you do this?’

Year 1: Y1 Goldilocks Reading comprehension.

Year 2: Y2 Goldilocks reading comprehension



We are going to be using our online music package ‘Charanga YUMU’ This package contains songs/music to listen to, songs to learn and sing. You can even have a go at singing and performing songs with musical instruments if you have them at home or simply improvising with household objects that make noise.

Please find attached a PDF with login details, scroll down to your child’s name.

Class 1 – Log in letters for Charanga

When you log in you will find two packages assigned to our class.

Reception: You will Use the package called ‘Everyone’

Click on Launch Step 3

Click on and work through the activities on the right hand side of the screen (listen and respond). Press play >

Year 1 and 2: You will use the package called ‘Rhythm in the way we walk and banana rap’

Click on Launch Step 3

Click on and work through the activities on the right hand side of the screen.

Press play>

Home Learning – 05.02.21

Good morning. I hope you had a fantastic afternoon of screen-free time yesterday. I certainly saw some great photos of the fun things you got up to.  Here is today’s work.  Teams will be a phonics session for Reception with Mrs Whitehouse at 1:15pm and for Years One and Two a spelling test of some of the words we have had to learn this term at 11:00. Don’t panic about it, it’s just a recap.

Let’s warm up out bodies and brains by playing dance freeze before we start our work.


Whole class – see above.


Reception – today, let’s have a go at subtraction, or taking away.  This means we make a number smaller (I like to think about eating cakes – I have four cakes and eat one, how many do I have left?). Watch the video and then have a go at my subtraction worksheet. I’ve included some numbers bigger than 5 if you would like a harder challenge today.


Years One/Two – Today we are ordering numbers within 50. Watch the video and then complete the worksheet. Remember to count carefully.




Reception – can you sequence the story of Goldilocks today.  If you don’t want to print the pictures out you could always copy and draw them in your book and then your grown-up (or you) could write underneath your picture.


Years One/Two – please complete your story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  You should have written up to Goldilocks going upstairs to the bedroom. Year Two – don’t forget to add speech marks when the bears say their words.  Double check your story through at the end and make sure you have capital letters, finger spaces and full stops throughout before sending it over for me to read.

T3-E-229-LA-Speech-Marks-Starter-PowerPoint (1)


Reception – make a rainforest animal to live in the rainforest.  What animal will you choose and what will you make it out of?  This is your chance to get as creative as you would like.  Here’s a powerpoint of rainforest animals to help you out.

Animal Fact File PowerPoint

Years One/Two – How is the weather in the rainforest different from where we live? Watch the video and then tell me what the weather is like here, then watch the next video and look at what the weather is like in the rainforest. Are they the same?  What are the similarities and differences? Can you use some great adjectives to describe the different types of weather/climate?–ks2-climate/zjdthbk


Let’s finish the day with a story.



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