Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 04.02.21

Good morning Class 2

Today, we will have a a Teams meeting for Year 3 and 4 to complete your spelling test. Mrs Blank will also be holding a Teams meeting this morning to complete guided reading with Year 3. You will receive a Teams meeting invite from Mrs Blank this morning.

This afternoon we will be having a screen free afternoon. Therefore, I have suggested some activities below but this is your time to do something you enjoy without a screen. We will be sharing what we all did with our screen free afternoons in tomorrows Teams meeting.

Have a wonderful day and please remember to send me your Maths and English work via Dojo or e mail.



To start, spend 15 minutes on TT rockstars.

Year 3

Spr3.5.2 – Give change from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

Then you can check your answers on the answer sheet.

Year 4

Spr4.5.1 – Unit and non-unit fractions from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

Then you can check your answers on the answer sheet.

Year 5

After watching the video you will be asked to complete questions 1-4 on the worksheet. The rest of the questions are for tomorrows lesson.

Spr5.5.3 – Compare and order fractions less than 1 (first part of worksheet) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete questions 1 – 4 on the worksheet.

Then you can check your answers on the answer sheet.



Year 3 and 4

You need to watch the video to remind yourself of the unique way these dolphins catch fish. You will then write a set of instructions for a new dolphin joining the pod. All the information is in the document below.

Year 3-4 writing challenge 04.02.21


Year 5

Read the poem If I Were a Giant by Jackie Hosking. Then use your knowledge of polar bears to write your own poem titled If I Were a Polar Bear. You can use the same structure as the If I Were a Giant poem and the video below to help you with your Polar Bear knowledge.

Year 5 Polar Bear video



I would like you to read the next chapter of your book on Fiction Express. If you have decided to create a free account and chosen a book from the Oxford Owl website, I would also like you to read the next chapter of your book.


Please send me your English and Maths work.


Screen free afternoon activities

As a school we will be having a screen free afternoon on a Thursday. For this afternoon I have suggested some activities below that you may like to try. These are not compulsory but you might like to share what you have been doing, in our Teams meeting tomorrow.

Possible activities:

  • Go on a walk
  • Build a den and snuggle up with your favourite book
  • Play in the garden
  • Create a piece of music with your instrument
  • Draw or create a new world
  • Create a comic book strip of your favourite story
  • Build an obstacle course for you, your siblings, your family or your pets
  • Create an exercise routine for the class to try next week

Remember no screens, just use your imagination and the world around you.

Have a lovely afternoon. I will look forward to hearing about everything you have been up to, in tomorrows Teams meeting.


Class 2 Home Learning Friday 29.01.21

Good morning Class 2

Today, we will be having a Teams meeting for the whole class, at 10 o clock. Year 3 will be asked to stay in the meeting after we finish, as we will be completing a guided reading task together.

You can work through all of your tasks below and then please send me your work by the end of the day.

I will be in school all day today. If you have any questions or need a login, I will be available via dojo or e mail. I look forward to seeing you all at 10 o clock this morning in our Teams meeting.

Have a great Friday!



Can you complete your Kahoot quiz to warm up your brains for maths. You will need a piece of paper and a pen for some of the questions.

Year 3 Kahoot quiz

Year 4 Kahoot quiz

Year 5 Kahoot quiz


Year 3

Spr3.4.3 – Pounds and pence from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

Then you can check your answers on the answer sheet.

Year 4

Spr4.4.2 – Counting squares from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

Then you can check your answers on the answer sheet.

Year 5

Spr5.4.4 – Fractions greater than 1 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

Then you can check your answers on the answer sheet.



You can play this game, and try to find all the adjectives.

Remember, an adjective is a word used to describe someone or something. For example, blue, slow, determined or handsome.



I would like you to complete a comprehension about the author Roald Dahl. You need to look at the questions and read through the passage about Roald Dahl’s life. All the information you need to answer the questions, is in the text.

Year 3 comprehension activity 29.01.21

Year 4 comprehension activity 29.01.21

Year 5 comprehension activity 29.01.21



I would like you to read the next chapter of your book on Fiction Express. If you have decided to create a free account and chosen a book from the Oxford Owl website, I would also like you to read the next chapter of your book.



When we looked at Hindu temples yesterday, it was mentioned that some Hindus use their temples to practise yoga. So today I have linked a Yoga video for you to try.



This week I have emailed everyone their new Duolingo username and password. This will take you to our Duolingo classroom where you will find an assignment waiting for you in the right hand column. If you follow this link, you can log in with your new username/password. The name of your assignment is Family 2. Can you spend 20 minutes working through this assignment.

If you have any trouble logging in, please let me know.

Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 28.01.21

Good morning Class 2

We will be having a 10 o clock Teams meeting for Year 3 and 4 to complete your spelling test. Year 4 will stay in the meeting as we look at your guided reading together. Year 5, you are more than welcome to e mail me with any questions through out the day.

Please send me your work by the end of the day. I look forward to seeing some of you at 10 o clock today.



To start, you can spend 15 minutes on Times Tables rockstars.

Year 3

Spr3.4.2 – Count money (pounds) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can check your answers on the answer sheet

Year 4

Spr4.4.1 – What is area? from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers on the answer sheet.

Year 5

Spr5.4.3 – Equivalent fractions from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers on the answer sheet.



Year 3/4

Today, you will be writing a diary entry, or Captain’s log, from the perspective of Christopher Columbus. You have just encountered a strange miraculous creature. Could it be a mermaid?

You can watch this video from Horrible Histories. Listen to the way Christopher Columbus starts his Captain’s log, you may like to use this in your writing.

You can then open this document to find the full details of you writing challenge.

Year 3-4 writing challenge 28.01.21

Year 5

You will need to watch this video about Free Running.

The video clip shows humans behaving like Langur monkeys. You need to write an article for the UK’s leading Extreme Sports magazine and describe the exciting sport of Free Running. The document below outlines your writing challenge for today.

Year 5 writing challenge 28.01.21



I would like you to read the next chapter of your book on Fiction Express. If you have decided to create a free account and chosen a book from the Oxford Owl website, I would also like you to read the next chapter of your book.



This week we will be looking at a Hindu’s place of worship. These places are called a Mandir.

A Hindu temple is a busy and exciting place.  As well as being used for worship, birth, wedding and death ceremonies, it is also a place where visitors can go and discuss and strengthen their faith, take part in meditation classes and yoga.

Can you watch this video to learn more about the Mandir temple.

Once you have watched the video, you can create your own Deity. You need to name your God/Goddess, draw them and write about their special gifts that they may give you if you pray to them.

You can look at this example to help you complete the task. Example text: my Deity



You can log in to Charanga here.

Your log in details can be found in your e mail. If you have any issues, please let me know.

Once you login please press the Mamma Mia tab and click on Step 4. You can work through each activity in Step 4.

Class 2 Home Learning Friday 22.01.21

Good Morning Class 2

We will be having a Teams meeting at 10 o clock. We will be discussing the author Ross Montgomery and thinking of questions we would like to ask him.

Please remember to send me your work to me by the end of the day via e mail or Dojo. Have a lovely weekend.


To start, you can spend 15 minutes on Times Tables rockstars.

Your White Rose maths activities can be found below.

Year 3

Spr3.3.3 – Scaling from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers on the answer sheet.

Year 4

Spr4.3.3 – Divide 3-digits by 1-digit from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers on the answer sheet.

Year 5

Spr5.3.4 – Divide with remainders from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers on the answer sheet.



Can you play this game and help improve the story by using more interesting nouns and adjectives.



Today, you can complete your comprehension for English. You need to read through the passage and answer all the questions underneath. Before, you start reading, have a look at the questions, this will help you find the information you need.

Year 3/4

Year 3 and 4 Tiger comprehension

Year 5

Year 5 Life cycle of a Butterfly comprehension



I would like you to read the next chapter of your book on Fiction Express. If you have decided to create a free account and chosen a book from the Oxford Owl website, I would also like you to read the next chapter of your book.



Here is the link to Joe Wick’s Friday workout.



This week I have emailed everyone their new Duolingo username and password. This will take you to our Duolingo classroom where you will find an assignment waiting for you in the right hand column. If you follow this link, you can log in with your new username/password. The name of your assignment is Activities. Can you spend 20 minutes working through this assignment.

If you have any trouble logging in, please let me know.

Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 21.01.21

Good Morning Class 2

Today, there will be a Teams meeting at 10 o clock for Years 3 and 4 to complete your spelling test. Year 5, if you have any questions about your work, please ask me via e mail or Dojo.



To start, can you complete your number of the day activity.

year 3-Number of the Day Warm Up 21.01.21

year 4-Number of the Day Warm Up 21.01.21

year 5-Number of the Day Warm Up 21.01.21

You can find your White Rose Maths activity below.

Year 3

Spr3.3.2 – Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (3) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete worksheet.

When you have finished your worksheet, you can check your answers here.

Year 4

Spr4.3.2 – Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (2) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

When you have finished, you can check your answers here.

Year 5

Spr5.3.3 – Divide 4-digits by 1-digit from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

When you have completed the worksheet, you can check your answers here.



Year 3/4

Yesterday, you watched a video about hippopotamuses in St Lucia. Today, I would like you to write a review from the perspective of a hippopotamus. You can watch the video to remind yourself of the Hippopotamuses journey. You can then open the document below which contains an example to help you write your review.

Year 3-4 hippopotamus food review

Year 5

Today, you will need to read the story, Cocoon and the Butterfly. You need to create a story map and then retell the story in your own words. In the document below, you will find the story, an example of a story map and the outlining of the activity.

Year 5 Cocoon and the Butterfly activity



I would like you to read the next chapter of your book on Fiction Express. If you have decided to create a free account and chosen a book from the Oxford Owl website, I would also like you to read the next chapter of your book.



This week we will be looking at the religion of Islam. The Islamic place of worship is called a Mosque. These sacred and beautiful places can be found all over the world. Today, you can watch this video about a Mosque in East London.

Once you have watched the video, you can open this document.

Islamic place of worship comprehension

You can read through the passages and find out more about Mosques. Then you can work your way through the questions.



You can log in to Charanga here.

Your log in details can be found in your e mail. If you have any issues, please let me know.

Once you login please press the Mamma Mia tab and click on Step 3. You can work through each activity in Step 3.


Class 2 Home Learning Friday 15.01.21

Good morning Class 2

Today, we will be having a Teams meeting at 10:00. I have put together the video below to talk you through our day. Underneath that, I have outlined your home learning and look forward to receiving your work via Dojo or e mail.

Also, the year 3/4 spellings, for next Thursday, are now available online.

I will see you all in our Teams meeting at 10 o clock. Happy Friday!



You can start by spending 15 minutes on Times Tables rockstars. Can you challenge a friend?

Year 3

Spr3.2.3 – Divide 2-digits by 1 digit (1) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can now check your answers with the answer sheet.

Year 4

Spr4.2.3 – Multiply 3-digits by 1-digit from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can check your answers with the answer sheet.

Year 5

Spr5.2.4 – Multiply up to a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video you can complete the worksheet.

You can check your answers with the answer sheet.



You can log in to Purple Mash and complete the 2do I have set you.



Today, I would like you to write about your week. In the document below I have outlined what I would like you to include.

My week – writing framework



I would like you to read the next chapter of your book on Fiction Express. If you have decided to create a free account and chosen a book from the Oxford Owl website, I would also like you to read the next chapter of your book.



Today, you will be following Joe Wick’s workout. You can find the link here. I will be doing Joe’s work out today, so you might like to ask your family if they would like to join you.



This week I have emailed everyone their new Duolingo username and password. This will take you to our Duolingo classroom where you will find an assignment waiting for you in the right hand column. If you follow this link, you can log in with your new username/password. The name of your assignment is Family. Can you spend 20 minutes working through this assignment.

If you have any trouble logging in, please let me know.

Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 14.01.21

Good morning Class 2

Today, we will be having a Teams meeting at 10:00. We will be discussing the English work and any other questions you have about the day’s tasks. The Year 3/4 spelling test will take place at the end of this meeting.

Please can you send me a your work via Dojo or e mail. I look forward to seeing you in our Teams meeting.


To start, can you spend 15 minutes on Times Tables rockstars.

Year 3

Spr3.2.2 – Multiply 2-digits by 1-digit (2) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can find the worksheet here.

Once you have completed your worksheet, you can mark your own answers using the answer sheet.

Year 4

Spr4.2.2 – Multiply 2-digits by 1-digit from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can find the worksheet here.

Once you have completed your worksheet, you can mark your own answers using the answer sheet.

Year 5

Spr5.2.3 – Multiply 4-digits by 2-digits (basic practice) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can find the worksheet here.

Once you have completed your worksheet, you can mark your own answers using the answer sheet.



Year 3 and 4

This week you have been looking at subordinating conjunctions. For today’s task, you will be writing a short description of a painted wolf pups first time venturing out into the world. The details of your task are in the document below. I have also linked the Painted Wolf pups emerging video. You can watch this to help with your writing task.

Year 3 and 4 painted wolf activity


Year 5

This week you have been looking at the active and passive voice.

Today, you need to write your own script, Sir David Attenborough style, to accompany the elephant seal and king penguin video clip.

After watching the video, you can begin to write your script following the sentence structure in this document.

Elephant Seal worksheet



You can continue reading the next chapter of your book. Fiction Express.


Religious Education

Today, we will be looking at Sikhism. Sikhism is a beautiful and relatively new religion, it is only about 500 years old. A Sikh’s place of worship is called the Gurdwara.

Firstly, we are going to look at some specific features of the Gurdwara. In this video, Simran (11) explains to us the importance of the Guru Granth Sahib (Sikh Holy Book) within the Sikh religion.  After watching the video, you can complete the activity sheet below.

Features of a Gurdwara activity sheet

Then, you can watch this video. Simran shows us her Gurdwara. There are many Gurdwaras around the world, one of the most important being the Golden Temple. You can then complete the activity sheet below.

The Golden Temple activity sheet



You can log in to Charanga here.

Your log in details can be found in your e mail. If you have any issues, please let me know.

Once you login please press the Mamma Mia tab and click on Step 2. You can work through each activity in Step 2.

Class 2 Home learning Friday 08.01.21

Good morning Class 2

Today we will be having a Teams meeting at 10:00.  Your work for today is set out below. If you have any difficulty with any of your logins please message me on dojo. I look forward to seeing you all at 10.00. If you are unable to attend the meeting for any reason please let me know.

By the end of the day, could you please submit your Maths work and your English comprehension sheet. You can submit your work by either taking a photograph and sending it to me via class dojo, or by attaching it to an email. I look forward to speaking to you all soon.


To start, can you spend 15 minutes on Times Tables rockstars.

Please follow the links below to watch the video and then click on the link below your video to complete the worksheet. The answer sheets is also linked below.

Year 3

Spr3.1.3 – Related calculations from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video you can find the worksheet to complete here.

The answer sheet is here.

Yaer 4

Spr4.1.3 – Factor pairs from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video you can find the worksheet to complete here.

The answer sheet is here.

Year 5

Spr5.1.3 – Multiply 4-digits by 1-digit from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video you can find the worksheet to complete here.

The answer sheet is here.



I have assigned you a 2do on Purple Mash. It is called Time conjunctions Game.


Today’s task is to work through the comprehension questions on this sheet.

Comprehension activity

Can you read through the passage at the top of the page. After this, you can work your way through the questions. Please use full sentences and give examples from the text when the question asks you to.

I have also attached the answers here – Comprehension activity answers


Please continue to read the next chapter of you book. Fiction express.



Today’s PE session is taking from Joe Wicks. Over the next few weeks we will be following Joe’s workout’s to keep us active during Lockdown.

You can use this link to find the workout.



Over the next few weeks we will be using Duolingo in our French lessons.

If you could follow this link, you can sign in, if you already have an account, or sign up.

Once you have either, signed in or finished the signing up process you will be asked for a classroom code. Our classroom code is PKGQJX.

Please spend 20 minutes working through the lesson, starting at the top on Basics 1 and moving onto Greetings.

I have recorded a video to help you through the signing up process. If you have any issues, you can send me a message via dojo.

Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 07.01.21

Good morning class 2

Today we will be having a Teams meeting at 10:30.  Your work for today is set out below. If you are having any difficulty with any of your logins please message me on dojo. I look forward to seeing you all at 10.30. If you are unable to attend the meeting for any reason please let me know.

By the end of the day, could you please submit your Maths work, your English recounts and your Religious Education tables. You can submit your work by either taking a photograph and sending it to me via class dojo, or by attaching it to an email. I look forward to speaking to you all soon.


To start, can you spend 15 minutes on Times Tables rockstars.

Please follow the links below to watch the video and then click on the link below your video to complete the worksheet. The answer sheets is also linked below.

Year 3

Spr3.1.2 – Comparing statements from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Thursday 7.11.21 Year 3 worksheet

Thursday 7.11.21 Year 3 worksheet answers

Year 4


Spr4.1.2 – Multiply 3 numbers from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Thursday 7.11.21 Year 4 worksheet 

Thursday 7.11.21 Year 4 worksheet answers

Year 5


Spr5.1.2 – Multiply 3-digits by 1-digit from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Thursday 7.11.21 Year 5 worksheet

Thursday 7.11.21 Year 5 worksheet answers



Using the mind map you completed yesterday, can you write a recount of you Christmas holidays. Your first paragraph is an introduction and should include an overview of your activities over the holidays. Then you can start adding more details in your next paragraphs. As this is a recount, please remember to use time conjunctions through out your writing. To conclude your writing you could refer back to any thoughts you had in the introduction (Even though I was worried Christmas wouldn’t be as exciting, I still had an incredible time, especially when…).

Once you have finished your recount, you can either send the document to me via email or take a picture and send it to me via dojo



Yesterday you were asked to choose a book from Fiction Express. I would like you to read the next chapter of your book.


Religious Education

Over the next few weeks we are going to be looking at different places of worship. Today we are going to look at the key features of a Church.

There are many different features within a Church, these are important to the Christian faith and the ceremonies they hold. Some of these features are listed in this table.

Key features of a Church

Please complete the table by using the descriptions at the bottom of the page. I would also like a small illustration of each feature. You can take a picture of your completed table and send it to me via class dojo or e mail.



Over the next few weeks we will be using Charanga in our music lessons. I have emailed each of you your login details.

Login to Charanga

Once you have logged in you can click on the Mamma Mia tab and then click on Step 1. I would like you to work through each activity on Step 1. You do not need to submit anything as I can see you progress on Charanga.