Home Learning Wednesday 3rd June

Hi Class 2,

It’s been lovely to hear from a few of you over the last few days. I hope you all enjoyed the whale feeding lesson yesterday? Here are today’s tasks:

Warm up: In purple mash you should see a times table 2do.
Here are today’s White Rose materials. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below.
Year 3 Summer term w/c 1st June lesson 3 Fractions of a set of objects
Year 4 -Summer term w/c 1st June Lesson 3 – Fractions of a quantity
Year 5 -Summer term w/c 1st June Lesson 3 – Fractions of an amount
Year 3 Lesson 3 – Fractions of a set of objects
year 4 Lesson 3 – Fractions of a quantity
Year 5 Lesson 3 – Fractions of an amount
year 3 Lesson 3 Answers – Fractions of a set of objects
year 4 Lesson 3 Answers – Fractions of a quantity

Year 5 Lesson 3 Answers – Fractions of an amount


Can you complete the following comprehension about humpback whales.

For bronze, please complete the first comprehension * and for silver, please complete the second comprehension **.

bronze – silver comprehension

bronze silver -Questions and answers

gold whale comprehension

platinum comprehension


Before half term we looked at some different forms of microbes. We learnt that they can be harmful or helpful. Today we will think about harmful microbes. Have a look at the following powerpoint and discuss whether you think a microbe is making the person unwell.

Harmful Microbe Comic

Then you can discuss the reasons why they are ill, it may not always be due to a microbe.

Junior Harmful – Teaching points

Now complete the puzzles about harmful microbes.

Junior Harmful – crossword

Junior Harmful – wordsearch

Something else?

Try this yoga practice.

Home Learning Tuesday 2nd June

Good morning class 2,

I hope you enjoyed learning about whales and dolphins yesterday? Today we have our second lesson on this topic but I hope that you are spending lots of time outside too! Here are today’s lessons:

Warm up: Please complete the following times table speed sheets.

Bronze: Beat-the-Clock–Times-Tables-Grid

Silver: ultimate challenge

Gold: times table challenge
Here are today’s White Rose materials. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below.
Year 3 Summer term w/c 1st June lesson 2 Fractions on a number line
Year 4 -Summer term w/c 1st June Lesson 2 – Subtract 2 fractions
Year 5 -Summer term w/c 1st June Lesson 2 – Multiply mixed numbers by integers
Year 3 Lesson 2 – Fractions on a number line
year 4 Lesson 2 – Subtract 2 fractions
Year 5 Lesson 2 – Multiply mixed numbers by integers

Year 3 Lesson 2 Answers – Fractions on a number line

year 4 Lesson 2 Answers – Subtract 2 fractions

Year 5 Lesson 2 Answers – Multiply mixed numbers by integers


Today we will be looking at clauses. Year 3 will focus on what a clause is and year 4 and 5 will look at subordinate clauses.

 GPS-Year-3-what is a clause-PPT

Year 3 what is a clause

Year 4 and 5:

Watch the powerpoint below and use this word mat to help you with your tasks.

word mat


y5 subordinate-clauses-worksheet

y4 -using-subordinate-clauses-in-your-writing



This lesson looks at how whales feed. There is a practical activity for you to try after watching the video. To complete this you need an empty milk bottle and some rice.

Lesson 2 – Krill Sieve

Something else?

Work on your general knowledge by completing this quiz at home. You may need to ask for help from someone who lives in your house.

sharing knowledge

Home Learning Monday 1st June

Good morning Class 2,

I hope that you had a fantastic half term? I’m sure that you spent a lot of time outside with the weather being so lovely again. I enjoyed riding my bike and spending time in the garden. I hope you are ready to start our work for the second part of the summer term? Here are today’s tasks:

Warm up: Please complete the Kahoot quiz below. You can either click on the link or enter the game pin on the Kahoot website.


Pin: 02995009


Pin: 09917736


Pin: 04165474

Here are today’s White Rose materials. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below.
Year 3 Summer term w/c 1st June lesson 1 tenths as decimals
Year 4 -Summer term w/c 1st June Lesson 1 – Add 2 or more fractions
Year 5 -Summer term w/c 1st June Lesson 1 – Multiply unit and non unit fractions by integers
Year 3 Lesson 1 – Tenths as decimals
year 4 Lesson 1 – Add 2 or more fractions
Year 5 Lesson 1 – Multiply unit and non-unit fractions by integers
Year 3 Lesson 1 Answers – Tenths as decimals
year 4 Lesson 1 Answers – Add 2 or more fractions 2019

Year 5 Lesson 1 Answers – Multiply unit and non-unit fractions by integers


Can you please complete a book review of the book that I gave you to read – Esio Trot, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or Charlotte’s Web. Have a look at the powerpoint below and you can either use the template below or write your own review.

Home-Learning-Book-Reviews- powerpoint



For the next few weeks we will be having a look at marine animals such as whales and dolphins. The video below is an introduction to whales and dolphins. Watch the video carefully and then complete the venn diagram below which requires you to compare whales to fish.

Lesson 1 – Compare and Contrast

ANSWERS Lesson 1 – Compare and Contrast

Something else?

If you didn’t get a chance over half term, why don’t you have a go at entering this NHS competition. Here are the details again:

I have uploaded a PowerPoint NHS Quiz for you to have a look at.


Now watch this video about the NHS competition – please note the closing date for the competition is incorrect. It has now been extended.

Now take a look at the competition PowerPoint which has a little more information than just the video above.


Remember that if you choose to enter the competition I will need to receive your entry before June 15th. I will send my email address to you via class dojo.


May Half Term Challenges

Hi Class 2,

It’s half term this week and Mr. Church and I think that you deserve a break from your hard work so instead of setting our daily lessons, I have set you some optional challenges. Have a great half term.

Please click here for a list these challenges.

May Challenges

You can use this template to complete a film review.

film review template

More information about the lego challenges.


NHS Competition

I have uploaded a PowerPoint NHS Quiz for you to have a look at.


Now watch this video about the NHS competition – please note the closing date for the competition is incorrect. It has now been extended.

Now take a look at the competition PowerPoint which has a little more information than just the video above.


Remember that if you choose to enter the competition I will need to receive your entry before June 15th. I will send my email address to you via class dojo.


Home Learning Wednesday 20th May

Good morning Class 2,

Today you will be finishing the stories that you began yesterday. I am looking forward to seeing some! Here are today’s tasks.


Warm up: In purple mash you should see a times table 2do.
Here are today’s White Rose materials. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below.
Year 3 Summer term w/c 18th May lesson 3 tenths
Year 4 -Summer term w/c 18th May Lesson 3 – Equivalent fractions
Year 5 -Summer term w/c 18th May Lesson  3 – Add mixed numbers
Year 3 lesson 3 tenths
Year 4 lesson 3 equivalent fractions
Year 5 lesson 3 add mixed numbers
Year 3 lesson 3 answers tenths
Year 4 lesson 3 answers equivalent fractions

Year 5 lesson 3 answers add mixed numbers


Today in English I would like you to finish writing your time travel story that you began yesterday. Once you have finished writing it, remember to check it through. If you can photograph it and send it to me on class dojo I would love to read some of your stories.


Recap what you learnt yesterday by completing the compass 2do in purple mash.

Watch this video to remind yourselves about how to read grid references.

BBC Video

This video will explain why we have map symbols.

Now look at the OS map symbols.


Can you use this to match the symbol to the definition?

OS map challenge game

Gold extension: Can you now choose 10 symbols and label them on this map with their definition?


Something else?

Over the May half term I would like you to finish reading the books that I gave you in your learning packs. After half term we will complete some final writing tasks based on these books.

Finished that? – Try matching the flag to the country in this game.

Home Learning Tuesday 19th May

Hi Class 2,

I hope you all enjoyed you Kahoot quiz yesterday? We will try some more after half term.  Here are today’s lessons:


Warm up: Give yourself 5 minutes to see how many you can complete. Speedy-Maths
Here are today’s White Rose materials. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below.
Year 3 Summer term w/c 18th May lesson 2 making the whole
Year 4 -Summer term w/c 18th May Lesson 2 – Equivalent fractions
Year 5 -Summer term w/c 18th May Lesson 2 – Add fractions
Year 3 lesson 2 making the whole
Year 4 lesson 2 equivalent fractions
Year 5 lesson-2 add-fractions

Year 3 lesson 2 answers making the whole

Year 4 lesson 2 answers equivalent fractions

Year 5 lesson-2-answers-add-fractions


For the next two days you will have a creative writing task. Today you will plan and start to write you story and tomorrow you will finish your story. This is your task:

Time Travel
One evening you go to your computer and accidentally press one of the keys you have never pressed before. Suddenly you are transported into a different time! Your task is to write about where you travel to, what the place is like, who you meet and how you manage to get home again.

Planning Questions
Where did you travel to and what form did your transport/journey take? (Remember: You can travel back or forwards in time.) What is the place you visit like? Who do you meet? What are they like? How do you manage to get back home?

In your writing you could:
Describe the setting/period of time that you travel to;
Describe the thoughts and feelings of the person or people involved;
Try to make your reader share the experience through your choice of words and sentences.

In your writing you should:
Make your writing interesting for your reader – use verbs, adverbs and adjectives to achieve effects;
Present your ideas clearly, organising your writing into paragraphs;
Write using accurate grammar, spelling and punctuation;
Include an interesting beginning and ending for your writing.

Planning Sheet

Year 4 can choose which of the two planning formats they would prefer to use.

Box it up story plan Y5

Story Mountain y3


Today we will practice using the points of the compass. Please watch the following video.

Reading maps using a compass.

Then look at the following powerpoint.

Lesson Presentation Compass Points

Now can you fill in this blank compass to use for the task.

Compass Templates

Then complete the following task. Choose between 1 star (bronze), 2 stars (silver) and 3 stars (gold).

Activity Sheet Compass Directions


Something else?

Go for a walk and try to identify 5 different birds, 5 different trees and 5 different insects.

bird identifier

insect identifier


Home Learning Monday 18th May 2020

Good morning class 2,

I am glad to see that many of you have been working hard on purple mash. We have one more week before half term so lets make it a good week!


Try these Kahoot warm ups:

Year 3 click on this link

Year 3 Kahoot

or enter the following pin in the app: 05978163

Year 4/5 click on this link

Year 4/5 Kahoot

or enter the following pin in the app: 06289976

Here are today’s White Rose materials. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below. Year 4 – the video page says we may have covered this content before. We looked at similar last term but have not covered this.
Year 3 Summer term w/c 18th May lesson 1 unit and non unit fractions
Year 4 -Summer term w/c 18th May Lesson 1 – Recognise tenths and hundredths
Year 5 -Summer term w/c 18th May Lesson 1 – Add and subtract fractions
Year 3 lesson 1 unit and non-unit fractions
Year 4 lesson 1 recognise tenths and hundredths
Year 5 lesson 1 add and subtract fractions
Year 3 lesson 1 answers unit and non-unit fractions
Year 4 lesson 1 -answers recognise tenths and hundredths

Year 5 lesson 1 answers add and subtract fractions


Can you please ask someone in your house to test you on lasts week’s spellings. You can find this week’s spellings under the spelling tab.

Watch these videos on the apostrophe and complete the sheets below.

Possessive Apostrophes



year 3 Possessive apostrophes

year 4 Recognising apostrophes

Year 5 Using apostrophes correctly


We will be having a look at different types of microbes. Can you read about some of the different types either on sheet 1-3 of the pack or on the website.

Types of microbes – website

Microbes introduction – pack

Year 3: Can you design you own microbe on page 3 of the pack?

Year 4/5: Can you identify the types of microbe from the description given either on page 4 of the pack or by playing the game below.

Identify the microbe.


Something else?

Watch this video on mindset and then try and match the statements below from the negative mindset to the positive mindset.

mindset statement match